
please use the sr-users@lists.sip-router.org to post questions about ser or kamailio - apart of first one, most private messages are discarded. There are many people that can answer, faster and better.

In this particular case, seems you haven't loaded pv module (located in modules_k).


On 5/30/10 9:50 AM, Dmitry Kirillov wrote:

i tried to start SIP-Router (ser-3.0.2_src_2010-05-29) by including dialplan.so in the list of loaded
modules and empty dialplan modparam. when i start sip-router, i get

0(23147) ERROR: <core> [pvapi.c:501]: error searching pvar "ruri.user"
0(23147) ERROR: <core> [pvapi.c:705]: wrong char [r/114] in [$ruri.user] at [9 (0)]
0(23147) ERROR: dialplan [dialplan.c:163]: input pv is invalid
0(23147) ERROR: <core> [sr_module.c:874]: init_mod(): Error while initializing module dialplan
ERROR: error while initializing modules

With modparam("dialplan", "attrs_pvar", "$avp(s:dest)"):

0(23158) ERROR: <core> [pvapi.c:501]: error searching pvar "avp"
0(23158) ERROR: <core> [pvapi.c:705]: wrong char [s/115] in [$avp(s:dest)] at [5 (5)]
0(23158) ERROR: dialplan [dialplan.c:149]: invalid pvar name
0(23158) ERROR: <core> [sr_module.c:874]: init_mod(): Error while initializing module dialplan
ERROR: error while initializing modules

there is no dialplan function call in ser.cfg.

Please, help

Daniel-Constantin Mierla
Kamailio (OpenSER) Advanced Training
Miami, Fl, USA - June 21-23, 2010

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