El Wed, 23 Jun 2010 13:55:10 +0200
Henning Westerholt <henning.westerh...@1und1.de> escribió:

> Hi all,
> i'm happy to announce a new developer for the sip-router project: 
> Timo Reimann.
> Timo is an experienced developer in our offices in Karlsruhe and since over 
> one year part of the team that develops our VoIP backend services. His past 
> work involved extensions for the dialog module and also a new lawful 
> interception solution that we use in-house. He contributed (with some other 
> developers) to the new dialog design in the last months and will continue to 
> work on this in the future.
> Best regards,
> Henning

Good news!

Welcome Timo! (Although as Iñaki says you already were a developer in our

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