Hi, I have a similar issue, my proxy sip doesn't relay the ACK coming from a 
Cisco GW (caller), to a PSTN-GW (callee), then the OK and ACK are retransmitted 
for a while till the pstn-gw send a BYE.

Attach a text graph, where: is a Cisco GW. is my Proxy SIP (and oldie SER one) is the PSTN-GW.

It only happens with this cisco gw, works great with asterisk and others ata.

I think there is something wrong with the ACK, i don't understand why the the 
proxy sip ignores it and never relays it.

I'd appreciate any comment. I also can help to solve the original issue of Ole 


On Thu, 1 Jul 2010, Klaus Darilion wrote:

> Hi!
> Kamailio behaves correct in this trace and I couldn't spot an abvious error in
> the trace.
> Nevertheless there are 2 problems:
> 1. Asterisk Gateway does not receive/accept the ACK
> 2. Asterisk PBX does not retransmit ACK
> reg. 1: ask the gateway operator if he sees the ACK in the Asterisk log, and
> if yes the error message of Asterisk why this ACK is not accepted. If the ACK
> is not seen in the Asterisk console then maybe it gets dropped by a buggy
> firewall.
> reg 2: login to your Asterisk PBX and verify if Asterisk receives the 200 OK,
> and maybe spot some log message why it does not trigger ACK retransmissions.
> regards
> Klaus
> Am 30.06.2010 23:33, schrieb Ole Kaas:
> > 
> > Den 30/06/2010 kl. 01.23 skrev Iñaki Baz Castillo:
> > 
> > > 2010/6/29 Ole Kaas<o...@tet.dk>:
> > > > Hi Klaus,
> > > > 
> > > > I've mailed pcap dump to you directly for further inspection.
> > > 
> > > Hi, it's much better if you capture a trace with "ngrep -Wbyline -t -q
> > > port 5060" and paste it in a new mail by replacing your public IP's
> > > with other values. Then all the people here could help you rather than
> > > asking for private help to a specific member of the maillist.
> > > 
> > 
> > You are right. But maybe it was something (obvious) that could be resolved
> > quickly and I could post an update here on the list. The original log was
> > inadequate - Klaus was a great help, with suggestions to obtain new log. So
> > here it is attached and anonymized with all ip addresses (and stuff)
> > converted to private adresses. The Kamailio server is multi homed and the
> > two networks are non-routable (I use rtpproxy to bridge media). Our Asterisk
> > PBX is version and the Asterisk Gateway is 1.6.1 (or 1.6.0 - cant
> > remember and not under my control). Kamailio is version 3.0.0.
> > 
> > Looking at the trace, it seems the problem starts with the ACK not being
> > received by the Asterisk Gateway which then resends the OK. The OK is
> > relayed back to the originating Asterisk PBX which seems to ignore the
> > retransmission. In fact it seems that Kamailio is routing and relaying the
> > sip packets correctly. However, it seems that the problem only exists
> > between Asterisk and Kamailio. I have other pbx'es (3CX) connecting to
> > Kamailio and I have no evidence that the problem happens with those. I have
> > another trace where the call comes from one of the Asterisk Gateways  and is
> > routed back to one of the other Asterisk Gateways. The result is the same -
> > the OK's are ignored by Asterisk.
> > 
> > /Ole
> > 
> _______________________________________________
> SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list
> sr-users@lists.sip-router.org
> http://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
|Time     |                       |                   
|         |                   |     |                   
|168,408  |         INVITE SDP ( telephone-event)          |                   
|SIP From: sip:33344...@ To:sip:123...@
|         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |                   |
|168,411  |         100 trying -- your call is important to us          |       
            |SIP Status
|         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |                   |
|168,411  |                   |         INVITE SDP ( telephone-event)          
|SIP Request
|         |                   |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |
|168,417  |                   |         100 Trying|                   |SIP 
|         |                   |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
|172,129  |                   |         183 Session Progress SDP ( 
telephone-event)          |SIP Status
|         |                   |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
|172,130  |         183 Session Progress SDP ( telephone-event)          |      
             |SIP Status
|         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |                   |
|180,203  |                   |         200 OK SDP ( telephone-event)          
|SIP Status
|         |                   |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
|180,204  |         200 OK SDP ( telephone-event)          |                   
|SIP Status
|         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |                   |
|180,229  |         ACK       |                   |                   |SIP 
|         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |                   |
|180,706  |                   |         200 OK SDP ( telephone-event)          
|SIP Status
|         |                   |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
|180,708  |         200 OK SDP ( telephone-event)          |                   
|SIP Status
|         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |                   |
|180,718  |         ACK       |                   |                   |SIP 
|         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |                   |
|181,716  |                   |         200 OK SDP ( telephone-event)          
|SIP Status
|         |                   |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
|181,717  |         200 OK SDP ( telephone-event)          |                   
|SIP Status
|         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |                   |
|181,733  |         ACK       |                   |                   |SIP 
|         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |                   |
|183,726  |                   |         200 OK SDP ( telephone-event)          
|SIP Status
|         |                   |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
|183,727  |         200 OK SDP ( telephone-event)          |                   
|SIP Status
|         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |                   |
|183,738  |         ACK       |                   |                   |SIP 
|         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |                   |
|187,736  |                   |         200 OK SDP ( telephone-event)          
|SIP Status
|         |                   |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
|187,737  |         200 OK SDP ( telephone-event)          |                   
|SIP Status
|         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |                   |
|187,747  |         ACK       |                   |                   |SIP 
|         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |                   |
|191,745  |                   |         200 OK SDP ( telephone-event)          
|SIP Status
|         |                   |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
|191,746  |         200 OK SDP ( telephone-event)          |                   
|SIP Status
|         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |                   |
|191,756  |         ACK       |                   |                   |SIP 
|         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |                   |
|195,754  |                   |         200 OK SDP ( telephone-event)          
|SIP Status
|         |                   |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
|195,755  |         200 OK SDP ( telephone-event)          |                   
|SIP Status
|         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |                   |
|195,766  |         ACK       |                   |                   |SIP 
|         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |                   |
|199,762  |                   |         200 OK SDP ( telephone-event)          
|SIP Status
|         |                   |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
|199,764  |         200 OK SDP ( telephone-event)          |                   
|SIP Status
|         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |                   |
|199,774  |         ACK       |                   |                   |SIP 
|         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |                   |
|203,772  |                   |         200 OK SDP ( telephone-event)          
|SIP Status
|         |                   |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
|203,773  |         200 OK SDP ( telephone-event)          |                   
|SIP Status
|         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |                   |
|203,784  |         ACK       |                   |                   |SIP 
|         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |                   |
|207,781  |                   |         200 OK SDP ( telephone-event)          
|SIP Status
|         |                   |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
|207,782  |         200 OK SDP ( telephone-event)          |                   
|SIP Status
|         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |                   |
|207,793  |         ACK       |                   |                   |SIP 
|         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |                   |
|211,790  |                   |         200 OK SDP ( telephone-event)          
|SIP Status
|         |                   |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
|211,791  |         200 OK SDP ( telephone-event)          |                   
|SIP Status
|         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |                   |
|211,802  |         ACK       |                   |                   |SIP 
|         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |                   |
|212,235  |                   |         BYE       |                   |SIP 
|         |                   |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
|212,237  |         BYE       |                   |                   |SIP 
|         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |                   |
|212,253  |         200 OK    |                   |                   |SIP 
|         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |                   |
|212,254  |                   |         200 OK    |                   |SIP 
|         |                   |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

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