it is rather simple:

The command specification (http://rtpproxy.org/wiki/RTPproxy/Protocol)
states the following:

Update session, creating a new one if it doesn't exist.
U[args] callid addr port from_tag [to_tag [notify_socket [notify_args]]]

The NATHelper Module currently does not send the optional notify
socket to the RTPProxy. The enhancement makes this "notify_socket"
configurable and will send it to the RTP-Proxy, if set. On the other
end, i have modified the RTP-Proxy to check, if it is an HTTP-Socket
(XML-RPC) or an Unix-Socket. If it is a Unix-Socket, it works as it
does now. If the Socket starts with "http://";, it will query the Proxy
by executing "dlg_list" with the "Call-ID" and the "From-Tag". If the
dialog is found, it will call "dlg_end_dlg" with the according
Rather simple - that's it. Currently i have this running using some
wrappers in Python, which is rather quick and dirty.

Kind regards,

2010/7/21 Iñaki Baz Castillo <i...@aliax.net>
> 2010/7/21 Carsten Bock <li...@bock.info>:
> > - allow the configuration of a timeout socket which will be sent to the
> > RTP-Proxy (i have a patch for the rtpproxy in order to terminate calls via
> > XML-RPC)
> Couuld you please ellaborate this a bit more? it sound really interesting :)
> --
> Iñaki Baz Castillo
> <i...@aliax.net>

Carsten Bock
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