On 11/01/2010 05:24 PM, Vic Jolin wrote:
That's interesting, can you tell me more about that draft?


I have attached the draft.
There are 2 setups for using end-to-end OPTIONS ping

1. In Dialog... if one of the endpoints is a B2BUA, it can send at specific interval in-dialog OPTIONS ping (OPTIONS request, increasing cseq) to the other endpoint. Most well-behaved UAS will respond with a 481 if the dialog not longer exists as per RFC 3261 .

 "The response to an OPTIONS is
   constructed using the standard rules for a SIP response as discussed
   in Section 8.2.6.  The response code chosen MUST be the same that
   would have been chosen had the request been an INVITE.
Other error conditions are on a 408 , 404 etc (as any in-dialog request is not guaranteed to succeed).

This is already used some production environments.

2. Out of dialog. A proxy keeps sending OPTIONS request (no dialog involved here) to one of the UA as long as one of these 2 conditions exist:
a. the dialog has not ended via a method specific mean (BYE for INVITE etc)
b. a 408 (or other error codes) was received when generating a BYE.

These where the big two points of the draft.

On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 11:18 PM, marius zbihlei <marius.zbih...@1and1.ro <mailto:marius.zbih...@1and1.ro>> wrote:

    On 11/01/2010 05:13 PM, Vic Jolin wrote:


        Just want to ask what is the best way to check if calls are
        still active especially when we are not handling media?



    There is SST (Sip Session Timers RFC 4028), which is implemented
    in the SST module, but at least 1 UA must know the extension. Also
    I have been working on a IETF draft  to use end-to-end OPTIONS
    ping to determine the operational status of a UA.(it works well
    with B2BUA, relatively well with stateful proxies). If you are
    interested I can talk more about the draft and how I propose using
    OPTIONS requests for this.(no changes on UAs are necessary)


    SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing
    sr-users@lists.sip-router.org <mailto:sr-users@lists.sip-router.org>

Network Working Group                                         M. Zbihlei
Internet-Draft                                         1and1 Internet AG
Expires: February 2, 2011                                    August 2010



   For VoIP providers, a common problem is related with finding the
   state of a dialog in certain error conditions that are caused by
   network problems, User Agent(UA) crashes etc.  This document
   describes a procedure for using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
   OPTIONS method in order to allow a SIP entity to discover the status
   of a UA and decide the state of the dialog.

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at http://datatracker.ietf.org/drafts/current/.

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on February 2, 2011.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2010 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   (http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info) in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

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1.  Introduction

   Given the multitude of parties involved in a SIP Call, a common
   problem for providers is determining the status of the caller/callee
   during a dialog.  There are methods for making SIP enabled networks
   robust and efficient by providing redundancy at hardware or service
   level, but this is not the case for most UAs.  Hardware problems,
   software crashes, power failures are factors in the way a UA behaves,
   affecting billing, QoS etc.  These problems have a far greater impact
   in the case the error condition happens in-dialog, in most cases the
   dialog state on the proxy being affected (BYEs are not sent,
   responded etc).

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2.  Conventions used in this document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119

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3.  Required Support

   Transmission of the OPTIONS message between any two entities is
   optional.  The SIP specification requires that all user agents
   support the OPTIONS message.  To comply with procedures described in
   this document, all SIP entities, including SIP user agents and proxy
   servers, MUST support the OPTIONS message when received either
   outside or inside of a dialog in accordance with this memo.

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4.  Problem Statement

   It is often necessary(for billing purposes) to query the status of a
   User Agent.  This can be done by an endpoint of the dialog (an User
   Agent or a B2BUA), or by a entity like a stateful proxy(that is, to
   servers that maintain the state of calls and dialogs established
   through them) found in the path of the communication.

   This memo proposes the use of OPTIONS (called an OPTIONS ping) to
   determine the operational status of an UA and provides a mechanism to
   decide if a session has ended without receiving a BYE (or other
   request specific mechanism of ending sessions).

   This memo does not replace the use of OPTIONS as describe in RFC 3261
   [refs.RFC3261], but does further expand on use of OPTIONS to discover
   the status of a UA, as per RFC 3261 Section 11.2.  This memo does no
   impose any new requirements on the underlying transport protocol.

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5.  Procedure for Using OPTIONS to Query for Operational Status

   This memo relies on the fact that each SIP entity must respond to a
   OPTIONS request.  To adhere to this specification, an entity present
   MUST also transmit OPTIONS messages as described below.

   The Section 5.1 and Section 5.2 sections will describe two methods of
   using OPTIONS ping available to SIP entities to determine the status
   of a UA.

5.1.  Using Out-of-Dialog (OOD) OPTIONS requests

5.1.1.  Overview

   A stateful proxy or a B2BUA that keeps track of SIP dialogs (as
   defined in RFC 3261 Section 12), wants to have the capability to
   decide at any time the state of a session.  In normal usage, session
   are ended by sending a method specific request, most of the times a
   BYE request(only method as per RFC 3261).

   In an error case that affects a UA, like hardware or software
   failure, network errors, power failures, a BYE might never be
   generated, and thus the dialog is accounted by the proxy for a longer
   time than necessary, resulting in incorrect billing, resource
   exhaustion and other possible problems.

   When initiating a session(by receiving a 2xx for an INVITE request),
   a SIP entity adhering to this memo will query the UA periodically
   regarding its status.  This is done by generating, at a certain
   interval, an OPTIONS requests and waiting for a suitable answer.  For
   a proxy to be able to send the OPTIONS request, it MUST be stateful
   and MUST perform record-routing(so it keeps itself in the path of the
   sequential dialog requests).

5.1.2.  Generating and Transmitting OPTIONS requests

   The OPTIONS requests are generated after a session is established.
   The proxy keeps generating OPTIONS requests on a specific interval,
   until one the following conditions is true:

   o  the session has ended through normal means (e.g.  A BYE was

   o  a OPTIONS request is not answered in a timely manner, or a status
      code indicating an error has been received (described below)

   The OPTIONS request is generated accordingly to RFC 3261 and has the
   following particularities:

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   o  it MUST not have a To-tag (this is an OOD request)

   o  it SHOULD not have any Accept:, Require:, or Supported: header

5.1.3.  Handling of response status codes

   As per RFC 3261 section 12.2, an OPTIONS response code MUST be the
   same that would have been chosen had the request been an INVITE.

   Response status codes that mark error conditions:

   o  404(User not Found), 408(Timeout), 410(Gone), 416(Unsupported URI
      Scheme), 485(Ambiguous), 502(Bad Gateway), 604(Does not exist

   Response status codes that mark normal conditions:

   o  200, 486(Busy Here), other status codes that do not mark error

5.1.4.  Proxy behavior

   When a response to an generated OPTIONS request has a status that
   marks an error as described in Section 5.1.3, the proxy MAY remove
   associated call state, and MAY free any resources associated with the

5.1.5.  Deployment Model

   A Home Proxy is defined as a proxy serving as the terminal point for
   routing an address-of-record.  Intermediate proxies are defined as
   proxies in the routing path that are not Home proxies.  It is useful
   to set up OOD OPTIONS ping on the Home Proxy for a specific user.
   This will ensure that only one Proxy handles the OPTIONS ping
   transmission for the User Agent.

   The Proxy will use the same method for sending OPTIONS ping to the
   User Agent as taken when routing the original request.  The method
   can be either directly, as that proxy knows the Address Of Record
   binding and can send it to the specific SIP URI(Contact), or by means
   of RFC 3327 [refs.RFC3227] which specifies a Path that all requests
   for that specific user must take.  This will ensure that the OPTIONS
   request will follow the same routing path downstream as the request
   which created the dialog.  Any error code, as described in
   Section 5.1.3, received during the OPTIONS request processing will
   mean that the dialog state might not be consistent.

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5.2.  Using In-Dialog OPTIONS requests

5.2.1.  Overview

   As per RFC 3261 Section 11.2 "The response to an OPTIONS is
   constructed using the standard rules for a SIP response as discussed
   in Section 8.2.6.  The response code chosen MUST be the same that
   would have been chosen had the request been an INVITE.".  This means,
   that a in-dialog OPTIONS request generated bye the one of the UAs,
   SHOULD be answered with a 481 (Call does not exit) if the other UA
   has no state indicating the dialog is still valid.(the same as a re-
   INVITE in a dialog that does not exist).

   For simplicity's sake, this section of the memo will only consider
   OPTIONS request generated by the UA that initiated the dialog(this
   might be a B2BUA)

5.2.2.  Generating and Transmitting OPTIONS requests

   The OPTIONS requests are generated when a dialog is established.  The
   UAC keeps generating OPTIONS requests on a specific interval, until
   one the following conditions is true: * the dialog has ended through
   normal means (e.g.  A BYE was received) * a OPTIONS request is not
   answered in a timely manner, or a status code indicating an error has
   been received (described below)

   The OPTIONS request are sent in-dialog and they follow the rules
   described in RFC 3261 Section 12.2.1.

5.2.3.  Handling of response status codes

   Response status codes that mark error conditions:

   o  404(User not Found), 408(Timeout), 410(Gone), 416(Unsupported URI
      Scheme), 485(Ambiguous), 502(Bad Gateway), 604(Does not exist
      anywhere), 481(Call does not exit)

   Response status codes that mark normal conditions:

   o  200, 486(Busy Here), other status codes that do not mark error

   As opposed to out-of-dialog OPTIONS ping, there is one added error
   code, namely 481.

   If the OPTIONS ping transaction times out or generates an error
   response as described above, then the UAC sends a BYE request as per
   Section12.2.1.2 of RFC 3261 [2].  If the OPTIONS request does not

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   generate a 2xx response, the UAC SHOULD follow the rules specific to
   that response code and retry if possible.  For example, if receiving
   a 500 or a unknown 5xx reply which contains Retry-After header field
   value, the server thinks the condition is temporary, and the request
   can be retried after the indicated interval.  If the response does
   not contain a Retry-After header field value, the UA may decide to
   retry after an specific interval.

5.2.4.  UAC behavior

   In concordance with RFC 3261, a 408 or a 481 received as an answer to
   an OPTIONS ping will not cause the dialog to be closed on the UAC,
   but instead a BYE MUST be sent (or a method specific request), thus
   allowing downstream entities to update their session information.

5.2.5.  Deployment models

   The recommended usage for In-Dialog OPTIONS ping as described in this
   draft is at a B2BUA/SBC level.  These SIP entities, part of a SIP
   enabled network, play to part of either UAC or UAS in SIP Dialogs.

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6.  Frequency of Message Transmission

   Any two entities that communicate with each other on a regular basis
   MAY be configured to transmit an OPTIONS message from time to time as
   provisioned by the network administrator.  The frequency with which
   an OPTIONS message is transmitted is outside the scope of this
   document.  Having said that, the frequency with which OPTIONS
   messages are transmitted SHOULD NOT place an undue burden on SIP

   The minimum value for the interval is the transaction time-out
   interval (defined as 64*T1), as no new OPTIONS transaction should be
   created before the previous one was either answered or timed-out.

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7.  Security Considerations

   All security considerations applicable to RFC 3261 apply to this RFC.
   Since an OPTIONS message transmitted outside of a dialog might be
   used to probe the network for active SIP user agents or proxy servers
   in preparation for an attack, network administrators SHOULD consider
   methods that would prevent the reception of OPTIONS messages from
   hosts or networks that are not trusted.

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8.  IANA Considerations

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9.  Acknowledgments

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10.  References

              Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", March 1997.

              Rosenberg, R., "SIP: Session Initiation Protocol",
              June 2002.

              Willis, D., "Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Extension
              Header Field for Registering Non-Adjacent Contacts",
              December 2002.

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Author's Address

   Marius Zbihlei
   1and1 Internet AG

Zbihlei                 Expires February 2, 2011               [Page 15]

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