On 11/02/2010 07:57 AM, Jeremya wrote:
Elena-Ramona Modroiu wrote:

Siremis v2.0.0 is out – the web management interface for Kamailio
(Openser) v3.1.0 and SIP Express Router (SER).
I downloaded and installed the latest source version of kamailio 3.1.0
(not git) and compiled an installed it. This works as expected.

I then downloaded siremis v 2.0.0 and installed it as instructed,
including creating the siremis tables etc. I can use it to some extent,
but the 'save' function for user edits fails. I can't change existing
users nor add new ones. The form just sits there

Do you access it from Siremis Administration panel, via Users Management?

It was reported that in some cases, changing password via My Account does not work, the alternative being via Users Management.

I guess the problem with Siremis users administration comes from Ajax execution on some browsers and web servers. Can you watch/copy the http traffic when you do the operation and send it here?


I can add roles and groups O.K.

The error message in CRIT.log is

'11/02/2010','06:55:11','CRIT','ErrorHandler','EVAL: $ret = guest, 3,
10; ',''

The user table structure is

mysql>  explain user;
| Field       | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id          | int(10) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| username    | varchar(64)      | NO   | UNI |         |                |
| password    | varchar(64)      | NO   |     |         |                |
| enctype     | varchar(64)      | NO   |     | SHA1    |                |
| email       | varchar(64)      | YES  | MUL |         |                |
| status      | int(2)           | YES  |     | 1       |                |
| lastlogin   | datetime         | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| lastlogout  | datetime         | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| create_by   | int(10)          | YES  |     | 1       |                |
| create_time | datetime         | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| update_by   | int(10)          | YES  |     | 1       |                |
| update_time | datetime         | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

user table contents are

mysql>  select * from user;
| id | username | password                                 | enctype |
email                  | status | lastlogin           |
lastlogout          | create_by | create_time         | update_by |
update_time         |
|  1 | admin    | d033e22ae348aeb5660fc2140aec35850c4da997 | SHA1    |
ad...@yourcompany.com  |      1 | 2010-11-01 18:54:54 | 2009-08-24
13:24:14 |         1 | 2010-05-01 01:19:57 |         1 | 2010-11-01
18:54:54 |
|  2 | member   | 6467baa3b187373e3931422e2a8ef22f3e447d77 | SHA1    |
mem...@yourcompany.com |      1 | 2010-05-01 01:19:57 | 2009-08-23
23:39:37 |         1 | 2010-05-01 01:19:57 |         5 | 2010-05-01
01:19:57 |
|  3 | guest    | 35675e68f4b5af7b995d9205ad0fc43842f16450 | SHA1    |
gu...@yourcompany.com  |      1 | NULL                |
NULL                |      NULL | 2010-01-12 02:20:10 |      NULL |
2010-01-12 02:20:10 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

debug is

'11/01/2010','23:54:51','DEBUG','DATAOBJ','Query Sql = SELECT T0.id,
T0.username, T0.password, T0.enctype, T0.email, T0.status, T0.lastlogin,
T0.lastlogout, T0.create_by, T0.create_time, T0.update_by,
T0.update_time FROM  `user` T0   LIMIT 10 BIND: ','n/a'
'11/01/2010','23:54:55','DEBUG','DATAOBJ','Query Sql = SELECT T0.id,
T0.username, T0.password, T0.enctype, T0.email, T0.status, T0.lastlogin,
T0.lastlogout, T0.create_by, T0.create_time, T0.update_by,
T0.update_time FROM  `user` T0  WHERE T0.id = :_v1  LIMIT 1 BIND: 3','n/a'
'11/01/2010','23:54:55','DEBUG','DATAOBJ','Query Sql = SELECT T0.id,
T0.name, T0.description, T0.startpage, T0.status, T0.default FROM
`role` T0  INNER JOIN `user_role` TX ON TX.role_id = T0.id  WHERE
TX.user_id = '3'  LIMIT 10 BIND: ','n/a'
'11/01/2010','23:54:55','DEBUG','DATAOBJ','Query Sql = SELECT T0.id,
T0.name, T0.description FROM  `group` T0  INNER JOIN `user_group` TX ON
TX.group_id = T0.id  WHERE TX.user_id = '3'  LIMIT 10 BIND: ','n/a'
'11/01/2010','23:54:56','DEBUG','DATAOBJ','Query Sql = SELECT T0.id,
T0.url, T0.cat_id, T0.timestamp FROM  `help_category_mapping` T0  WHERE
T0.url='system/user_detail/3'  BIND: ','n/a'
'11/01/2010','23:54:58','DEBUG','DATAOBJ','Query Sql = SELECT T0.id,
T0.username, T0.password, T0.enctype, T0.email, T0.status, T0.lastlogin,
T0.lastlogout, T0.create_by, T0.create_time, T0.update_by,
T0.update_time FROM  `user` T0  WHERE T0.id = :_v1  LIMIT 1 BIND: 3','n/a'
'11/01/2010','23:54:59','DEBUG','DATAOBJ','Query Sql = SELECT T0.id,
T0.url, T0.cat_id, T0.timestamp FROM  `help_category_mapping` T0  WHERE
T0.url='system/user_edit/3'  BIND: ','n/a'
'11/01/2010','23:55:11','DEBUG','DATAOBJ','Query Sql = SELECT T0.id,
T0.username, T0.password, T0.enctype, T0.email, T0.status, T0.lastlogin,
T0.lastlogout, T0.create_by, T0.create_time, T0.update_by,
T0.update_time FROM  `user` T0  WHERE T0.id = :_v1  LIMIT 1 BIND: 3','n/a'

Any help appreciated.

(P.S. The timezones seem to be different between DEBUG.log and CRIT.log)

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