On 02/02/2011 12:20 PM, Danny Dias wrote:
I was thinking that if i store the contacts that are registered into
my proxy in a database, like this:
# ----- usrloc params -----
modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 3)
if (is_method("REGISTER"))
if (!save("location"))
This way i would store the contacts in table "location", and then i
could make a backup of the DB and restore on the other server...is
that ok? or i'm missing something?
Or you can use the p_usrloc module that does automatically the db
replication and failover + data partitioning (or you can combine them to
suite your needs). New in master branch (</shameless advertisement>)
But seriously, we might want to give it a try. The config syntax remains
the same as above you just need to load p_usrloc instead of usrloc and
setup the databases.
Thanks in advance for your help!
2011/1/27 Iñaki Baz Castillo <i...@aliax.net <mailto:i...@aliax.net>>
2011/1/27 Danny Dias <ing.diasda...@gmail.com
>> Two Kamailios in a HeartBeat cluster which manages the kamailio
>> service along with a virtual IP in which kamailios are supposed to
>> listen. Just one kamailio is running (HA manages them).
> So, the heartbeat cluster shall manage that both are ok and also
check that
> the virtual ip and the kamailio service in the primary server is
> something fails it will activate the virtual IP address and the
> process in the other server? so this heartbeat cluster is
installed in both
> kamailio servers?
> which HA software do you recommend?
As I said at the top of my previous mail: HeartBeat (as it is the only
I'm used to).
>> Regsitration can be done in a shared database with db_mode=3
(or 2) so
>> no locations are lost when HA stops the running instance of
>> (or the server is down) and starts kamailio in the other
cluster node.
> So, the database of the kamailios should be dedicated and
> server?
Could be, or not. It doesn't matter too much.
Iñaki Baz Castillo
<i...@aliax.net <mailto:i...@aliax.net>>
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