Nobody on this one?.


*De:* Ricardo Martinez []
*Enviado el:* miércoles, 02 de febrero de 2011 17:58
*Para:* ''
*Asunto:* LCR module : same IP address for different prefix.


We’re using the LCR module with version 3.1.1 of Kamailio.  We’re trying to
add two gateways, with the same IP address, we have this configuration
running in the previous version of Kamailio (v 1.5), without any problem,
but in this version seems to have some issues.

This is what I’m trying to do :

mysql> select * from lcr_gw;


| id | lcr_id | gw_name | ip_addr       | hostname | port | params |
uri_scheme | transport | strip | tag  | flags | defunct |


|  1 |      1 | GW_1    |    | NULL     | 5060 | NULL
|          1 |         1 |     3 | 303  |     1 |    NULL |

|  8 |      1 | GW_33   |    | NULL     | 5060 | NULL
|          1 |         1 |     3 | 4411 |     1 |    NULL |

|  6 |      1 | GW_6    |    | NULL     | 5060 | NULL
|          1 |         1 |     5 | 308  |     1 |    NULL |


And this is the output from the logs :

/usr/local/sbin/kamailio[2829]: ERROR: lcr [lcr_mod.c:818]: gw <,
5060, > is not unique

What could be the problem?. Os simply the new LCR does not support have two
gateways with the same IP address?


Ricardo Martinez.-
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

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