
We have a OpenSER 1.1 platform running with radius accounting and I am
in the progress of updating it to Kamailio 3.1.

I am trying to decide if I should do accounting via Radius or directly
to MySQL on the new platform.

The only benefits a can see with Radius is that you can build some
redundancy into your radius client. If one Radius server is failing
then try the next and you can configure radius to log to a file if the
DB is down. But i think you can get the same level of redundancy with
a replicated DB setup with heartbeat/pacemaker.

If I choose to do the accounting direct to MySQL I will skip the
Radius layer (and one error source).

Are there any other pros and cons?

Morten Isaksen

SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

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