-- command 'lcr' - manage least cost routes (lcr)

 lcr show_gws....... show database gateways
 lcr show_routes.... show database routes
 lcr dump_gws....... show in memory gateways
 lcr dump_routes.... show in memory routes
 lcr reload ........ reload lcr gateways and routes
 lcr eval_weights .. evaluates probability for given GW's weights

but when i issue #kamctl lcr show_gws  , it says command disabled.

Thank You
Amit Nepal
Systems Administrator
Phoenix Internet
Phone: 602-385-0731

On 2/23/2011 7:39 PM, Juha Heinanen wrote:
Amit Nepal writes:

kamctl lcr reload
ERROR: command disabled--
i don't know what version of kamailio you are using, but in 3.1, give
'help' to see lcr (and other) commands.

-- juha

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