
On 03.03.2011 14:47, 侯旭光 wrote:
> set_dlg_profile() function carshed in failure_route when I need do the
> call-forwarding.
> When in busy-call-forward or no-answer-forward mode ,it'll run into
> the failure_route.But at the time , the route_type of the dialog is
> FAILURE_ROUTE and the get_current_dialog() return NULL,
> then the set_dlg_profile() function won't work.
> How can I set dialog profile in the busy or no-answer call-forwarding ?
> CRITIAL dialog [dlg_profile.c]:  BUG - dialog not found in non REQUEST route
> ERROR dialog [dialog.c]      :  failed to set  profile

I think you did not track the dialog in the first place, i.e., when the
initial request associated to the dialog you seek to profile was processed.

Are you using dlg_flag, and if so, have you enabled it in REQUEST_ROUTE?
If you want to track dialogs on demand instead, try calling dlg_manage()
prior to calling set_dlg_profile(). I'm not sure if this is the most
elegant approach for your use case but it might at least work.



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