On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 3:54 PM, JR Richardson <jmr.richard...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Been playing around with the dialog module to help me keep track of
> SIP trunk utilization, trying to identify how many calls are active on
> each SIP trunk.  My dialog count for inbound calls is 10 (correct) but
> my outbound calls are always double that and I'm not sure why.  Here
> is a snip of my config:
> loadmodule "dialog.so"
>        if($rU=~"^111") {
>                dlg_manage();
>                dlg_setflag("4");
>                set_dlg_profile("inbound","trunk111");
>                route(PDT);
>                exit;
>        }
> PDT lookup for prefix then call is forwarded to dispatcher to route
> out to carrier through 'route[relay]'
> route[RELAY] {
>        dlg_setflag("4");
>        set_dlg_profile("outbound","$rd");
>        if (!t_relay()) {
>                sl_reply_error();
>                exit;
>        }
>        exit;
> }
> I setup 10 active calls and here are my results:
> test-sip-router2:~# kamctl fifo profile_get_size inbound
> profile::  name=inbound value= count=10
> test-sip-router2:~# kamctl fifo profile_get_size outbound
> profile::  name=outbound value= count=20
> Also 'kamctl fifo dlg_list' will list only 10 active dialogs.
> So my question is, why am I getting a 20 count for outbound and only
> 10 count for inbound?
> Thanks.
> JR
> --
I think I answered my own question, the double dialogs for the
outbound calls is a result of loose route response from the outbound
SIP Trunk carrier upstream using route[relay].  I guess I need to be a
bit more careful where I put my dialog flags for outbound trunk

JR Richardson
Engineering for the Masses

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