2011/5/25 Carl Wagner <carl.wag...@verbalworld.com>:
> I am sorry, you are right.   I was looking at rfc3665 Page 71, F10 and it
> did not have a To: tag in the 200 OK to the cancel.
> (I know that rfc3665 is just examples, and when in doubt I should use
> rfc3261)
> The last paragraph of rfc3261, section 9.2 says to use section 8.2.6 to
> construct the 200 (OK).
> Not sure why Asterisk is not liking the 200 Canceling.
> Does anyone see anything wrong with the Cancel or the 200 Canceling in the
> log below?

Because Asterisk is buggy and expects (wrongly) that the Totag of the
CANCEL must match the Totag of a previously received 1XX response.
This is of course a wrong assumption as there could be diferent 1XX
responses with different Totag (when forking).

I remember that it just occurs if you set Asterisk sip.conf with
pendantic-mode enabled.

Asterisk is buggy.

Iñaki Baz Castillo

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