Hi everybody,

First to say sorry if this is not the right list to send this post, anyway we 
hope somebody can help us.

We have Kamalio 3.1.3 working since many time ago. We use an RTP Proxy for NAT 
issues in the server side and STUN for NAT issues in the internet client side. 
Calls in Spain are working fine.

This month one of our users has gone to Rwanda (our University has created a 
Hospital and a School in a region called Nemba). They are using an internet 
connection by satellite, with a low bandwith (128kb down, 16 up).

In some countries we have trouble with internet calls. SIP signaling works 
fine, the call rings and is stablished, but there is a problem with RTP streams:

- RTP streams sent by RTP proxy to client in internet never arrives to the 
client in the internet (although they RTP is sent to the right IP and port)
- RTP streams sent by client in the internet never arrives to RTP proxy 
(although RTP is sent to the right IP and port)

As I said this happens sometimes, and it's happening in Rwanda. We usually 
solve this problem making a VPN connection to the University, then the RTP 
stream works fine.

However when our Rwanda's users connect to VPN, the Bandwith goes down (45 kbps 
down and 8kbps up), so they can hear as perfectly, but we can't hear them.

Does anyone know if T companies are filtering RTP traffic? I've tried to change 
ports in RPT Proxy with no result.

How could we solve this?

Thanks in advance and best regards,

Ricardo Dominguez
Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche

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