Hello ALL,

Someone knows why at line 149 in
.../kamailio-3.1.2/modules_k/db_text/dbt_tb.c the shm_malloc function
sometimes allocates memory to dtp->prev but sometimes doesn't?
I'm asking this question because when the subscriber table is being loading
to shared memory in db_text module, dtp->prev is allocated but on version,
dispatcher, location table it doesn't... Analysing the source code I can't
see any reason to this behavior.

The allocation of dtp->prev to subscriber table is generating a core at
db_text module.

Best Regards

2011/9/27 Bruno Bresciani <bruno.bresci...@gmail.com>

> Hello Daniel,
> I'm still analyzing the source code of db_text module and I can't get find
> the reason of core when variable _tbc->prev is accessed. Did you obtain some
> conclusion about this core?
> PS: In kamailio 1.5.0 I can't get replicate this core
> Best Regards
> 2011/9/26 Bruno Bresciani <bruno.bresci...@gmail.com>
>> Hello,
>> Follows the output of *p *_tbc->prev*:
>> (gdb) p *_tbc->prev
>> Cannot access memory at address 0x4c58586e
>> Best Regards
>> 2011/9/24 Daniel-Constantin Mierla <mico...@gmail.com>
>>>  Hello,
>>> thanks, the only possibility then is that the previous item in the list
>>> of tables has something wrong in it, send also the output for:
>>> p *_tbc->prev
>>> Actually, from now I see the _tmb->prev is 0x4c58586e and _tbc is
>>> 0xb6175d20, so the pointers are in different memory zones, it could be pkg
>>> one and shm the other. But lets see first the output of p *_tbc->prev
>>> Cheers,
>>> Daniel
>>> On 9/23/11 2:11 PM, Bruno Bresciani wrote:
>>> Follows the output:
>>> *p _tbc*
>>> $1 = (dbt_table_p) 0xb6175d20
>>> *(gdb) p *_tbc*
>>> $312 = {dbname = {s = 0xb616d780 "/axs/cfg/db_text", len = 16}, name = {s
>>> = 0xb616e288 "subscriber", len = 10}, hash = 6, mark = 1316722939, flag = 0,
>>>   auto_col = -1, auto_val = 0, nrcols = 10, cols = 0xb616f310, colv =
>>> 0xb6175e70, nrrows = 58, rows = 0xb616e940, mt = 1316722962, next = 0x0,
>>>   prev = 0x4c58586e}
>>> 2011/9/23 Daniel-Constantin Mierla <mico...@gmail.com>
>>>> On 9/23/11 1:57 PM, Bruno Bresciani wrote:
>>>> Sorry... but I didn't understand how I get the output of:
>>>> p _tbc
>>>> p *_tbc
>>>>  run these commands inside gdb.
>>>> Daniel
>>>> Best Regards
>>>> 2011/9/23 Daniel-Constantin Mierla <mico...@gmail.com>
>>>>>  Hello,
>>>>> interesting ... give also the output of:
>>>>> p _tbc
>>>>> p *_tbc
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>  Daniel
>>>>> On 9/23/11 1:27 PM, Bruno Bresciani wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> Doesn't exist a exact often that the table subscriber is changed, it
>>>>> can be changed at any time and almost always the core is generated. I was
>>>>> thinking the same thing that you, the deletion of the table is done 
>>>>> without
>>>>> a lock, but the function dbt_db_get_table that call dbt_db_del_table does
>>>>> this lock previously...
>>>>> Follows the output of 'bt full' from gdb:
>>>>> Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
>>>>> #0  0x008b3603 in dbt_db_del_table (_dc=0xb60fde60, _s=0xbfc94380,
>>>>> sync=0) at dbt_lib.c:238
>>>>> 238     dbt_lib.c: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado.
>>>>>         in dbt_lib.c
>>>>> (gdb) bt full
>>>>> #0  0x008b3603 in dbt_db_del_table (_dc=0xb60fde60, _s=0xbfc94380,
>>>>> sync=0) at dbt_lib.c:238
>>>>>         _tbc = (dbt_table_p) 0xb6175d20
>>>>>         hash = 6
>>>>> #1  0x008b3f38 in dbt_db_get_table (_dc=0xb60fde60, _s=0xbfc94380) at
>>>>> dbt_lib.c:300
>>>>>         _tbc = (dbt_table_p) 0xb6175d20
>>>>>         hash = 6
>>>>> #2  0x008ae12b in dbt_query (_h=0x82e3c90, _k=0xbfc94378, _op=0x0,
>>>>> _v=0xbfc94348, _c=0x82e3e50, _n=1, _nc=2, _o=0x0, _r=0xbfc94390) at
>>>>> dbt_base.c:200
>>>>>         _tbc = <value optimized out>
>>>>>         _drp = <value optimized out>
>>>>>         _dres = <value optimized out>
>>>>>         lkey = <value optimized out>
>>>>>         lres = (int *) 0x0
>>>>>         _o_k = (db_key_t *) 0x0
>>>>>         _o_op = 0x0
>>>>>         _o_n = <value optimized out>
>>>>>         _o_l = <value optimized out>
>>>>>         _o_nc = <value optimized out>
>>>>> #3  0x001ae088 in digest_authenticate (msg=0x82df8f8, realm=<value
>>>>> optimized out>, tname=<value optimized out>, hftype=HDR_AUTHORIZATION_T) 
>>>>> at
>>>>> authorize.c:98
>>>>>         cred = <value optimized out>
>>>>>         keys = {0x1b14c8, 0x1b14d0}
>>>>>         vals = {{type = DB1_STR, nul = 0, free = 165777064, val =
>>>>> {int_val = 136948130, ll_val = 17316817314, double_val =
>>>>> 8.5556445301562903e-314,
>>>>>       time_val = 136948130,
>>>>>       string_val = 0x829a9a2 "3022\", realm=\"\",
>>>>> nonce=\"TnuaJ057mPskvCOYDgyAURuuottiYy7cIAQKLUA=\",
>>>>> cnonce=\"4VwQFl/7Ei+IWecbrZ9rug\", algorithm=MD5, uri=\
>>>>> "sip:\",
>>>>> response=\"45b23bc0e48592fb57b1ebc87f0e3dbc\""..., str_val = {
>>>>>         s = 0x829a9a2 "3022\", realm=\"\",
>>>>> nonce=\"TnuaJ057mPskvCOYDgyAURuuottiYy7cIAQKLUA=\",
>>>>> cnonce=\"4VwQFl/7Ei+IWecbrZ9rug\", algorithm=MD5, uri=\
>>>>> "sip:\",
>>>>> response=\"45b23bc0e48592fb57b1ebc87f0e3dbc\""..., len = 4}, blob_val = {
>>>>>         s = 0x829a9a2 "3022\", realm=\"\",
>>>>> nonce=\"TnuaJ057mPskvCOYDgyAURuuottiYy7cIAQKLUA=\",
>>>>> cnonce=\"4VwQFl/7Ei+IWecbrZ9rug\", algorithm=MD5, uri=\
>>>>> "sip:\",
>>>>> response=\"45b23bc0e48592fb57b1ebc87f0e3dbc\""..., len = 4}, bitmap_val =
>>>>> 136948130}}, {type = DB1_STR, nul = 0, free = 8200,
>>>>>     val = {int_val = 137215560, ll_val = 64561725000, double_val =
>>>>> 3.1897730358749953e-313, time_val = 137215560, string_val = 0x82dbe48
>>>>> "",
>>>>>       str_val = {s = 0x82dbe48 "", len = 15}, blob_val =
>>>>> {s = 0x82dbe48 "", len = 15}, bitmap_val = 137215560}}}
>>>>>         result = {s = 0x0, len = 0}
>>>>>         n = <value optimized out>
>>>>>         ha1 =
>>>>> "\000\000\000\000\220GÉ¿\000\000\000\000ï=\000\000ÒBÉ¿L\215á\t\000\000\000\000(Óà\tÔBÉ¿F\000\000\000yv¯\000L\215á\t",
>>>>> '\0' <repeats 12 times>,
>>>>> "ÿÿÿÿ\a\000\000\000a{¯\000^{¯\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000ÿÿÿÿ+\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\0008DÉ¿\210\033-\bÈVÉ¿HDÉ¿&\205\017\bÈVÉ¿øø-\b8DÉ¿P\020-\b",
>>>>> '\0' <repeats 32 times>, "
>>>>> e¯\000TDÉ¿`ñ\000\000ÐÑ\000\000\\\222¯d\030\000\000\000\000\000\000\000»¬£\000;\216á\t
>>>>> 1±\000\000 \000\000ÔCÉ¿8\216á\t\bÔ\r¶"...
>>>>>         h = (struct hdr_field *) 0x82e0398
>>>>>         domain = {s = 0x82dbe48 "", len = 15}
>>>>>         table = {s = 0x82d8f60 "subscriber", len = 10}
>>>>>         result = (db1_res_t *) 0x0
>>>>>         ret = 0
>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>> 2011/9/23 Daniel-Constantin Mierla <mico...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>  Hello,
>>>>>> can you send the output of 'bt full' from gdb?
>>>>>> How often the subscriber table is changed? I see in this case the
>>>>>> deletion of the table is done without a lock.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Daniel
>>>>>> On 9/22/11 9:44 PM, Bruno Bresciani wrote:
>>>>>>  Hi All,
>>>>>> Kamailio 3.1.2 generate a core in db_text module when subscriber table
>>>>>> is updated and after this action some SIP message require authentication
>>>>>> process...
>>>>>> Someone Can Help me to understand why this core is happening? Below
>>>>>> is part of kamailio's trace and gdb core too.
>>>>>> Kamailio's trace:
>>>>>> *Sep 22 16:35:54 sswpst00 /home2/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[2327]:
>>>>>> DEBUG: auth_db [authorize.c:239]: realm value []*
>>>>>> Sep 22 16:35:54 sswpst00 /home2/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[2327]:
>>>>>> DEBUG: auth [api.c:95]: auth: digest-algo: MD5 parsed value: 1
>>>>>> *Sep 22 16:35:54 sswpst00 /home2/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[2327]:
>>>>>> DEBUG: db_text [dbt_file.c:78]: [subscriber] was updated*
>>>>>> Sep 22 16:35:54 sswpst00 /home2/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[2324]:
>>>>>> ALERT: <core> [main.c:741]: child process 2327 exited by a signal 11
>>>>>> Sep 22 16:35:54 sswpst00 /home2/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[2324]:
>>>>>> ALERT: <core> [main.c:744]: core was generated
>>>>>> Sep 22 16:35:54 sswpst00 /home2/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[2324]:
>>>>>> INFO: <core> [main.c:756]: INFO: terminating due to SIGCHLD
>>>>>> Sep 22 16:35:54 sswpst00 /home2/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[2335]:
>>>>>> INFO: <core> [main.c:807]: INFO: signal 15 received c
>>>>>> Sep 22 16:35:54 sswpst00 /home2/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[2335]:
>>>>>> DEBUG: <core> [main.c:818]: Memory status (pkg):
>>>>>> gdb core trace:
>>>>>> Core was generated by `/home2/local/kamailio/sbin/kamailio -P
>>>>>> /var/run/kamailio.pid'.
>>>>>> Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
>>>>>> *#0  0x00f21603 in dbt_db_del_table (_dc=0xb6071e60, _s=0xbf837040,
>>>>>> sync=0) at dbt_lib.c:238*
>>>>>> 238     dbt_lib.c: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado.
>>>>>>         in dbt_lib.c
>>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>>>  _______________________________________________
>>>>>> SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing 
>>>>>> listsr-us...@lists.sip-router.orghttp://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- http://www.asipto.com
>>>>>> Kamailio Advanced Training, Oct 10-13, Berlin: 
>>>>>> http://asipto.com/u/kathttp://linkedin.com/in/miconda -- 
>>>>>> http://twitter.com/miconda
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing 
>>>>> listsr-us...@lists.sip-router.orghttp://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
>>>>> --
>>>>> Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- http://www.asipto.com
>>>>> Kamailio Advanced Training, Oct 10-13, Berlin: 
>>>>> http://asipto.com/u/kathttp://linkedin.com/in/miconda -- 
>>>>> http://twitter.com/miconda
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing 
>>>> listsr-us...@lists.sip-router.orghttp://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
>>>> --
>>>> Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- http://www.asipto.com
>>>> Kamailio Advanced Training, Oct 10-13, Berlin: 
>>>> http://asipto.com/u/kathttp://linkedin.com/in/miconda -- 
>>>> http://twitter.com/miconda
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing 
>>> listsr-us...@lists.sip-router.orghttp://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
>>> --
>>> Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- http://www.asipto.com
>>> Kamailio Advanced Training, Oct 10-13, Berlin: 
>>> http://asipto.com/u/kathttp://linkedin.com/in/miconda -- 
>>> http://twitter.com/miconda
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

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