Hi Uri,

I just got done tailoring this exact concept with the dialog module (you may
have just read my posts).

Here is how I am doing it, roughly, for me. I have two places where I am
executing the 3rd section below (for outbound and inbound).
Your mileage will vary.

modparam("auth_db", "load_credentials", "username")
avp_db_query("select quota from quota where username='$avp(s:username)'",

        $var(SIZE) = 0;
        get_profile_size("callquota", "$avp(s:username)", "$var(SIZE)");
        if( $var(SIZE) >= $avp(s:quota) ){
               sl_send_reply("503", "Simultaneous calls limit reached");
               xlog("DEBUG: Limit of $var(SIZE) active calls has been
reached for $avp(s:username)\n");
        get_profile_size("callquota", "$avp(s:username)", "$var(SIZE)");
        xlog("DEBUG: there are now $var(SIZE) active calls for

On 10/2/11 12:00 PM, "Uri Shacked" <ushac...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to create concurrent calls limitations.
> two questions:
> 1. should i use dialog module? or is there a better module?
> 2. i was trying to work with the dialog module, but didnt understand how and
> where to configure the commands and which to use.... any examples or ideas?
> BR,
> Uri
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