2) I tried to set mhomed=1, but it has become even worse - No out socket.
So I tried to disable it again and force kamailio to listen on physical
address as well (so simultaneously on virtual and physical). The error
disappeared, but the BYE message is not forwarded, it is processed and
onsend event-route is triggered as usually , but the packet is not sent
anywhere. I used tcpdump -i any. I will investigate if it is some network
issue, however, is there any way how to debug it further ?

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 4:28 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <mico...@gmail.com
> wrote:

>  Hello,
> for 1) Is the device behind nat? Do you have tcp connection lifetime
> parameter value long enough?
> for 2) is the physical IP a public space IP? Do you have mhomed parameter
> set? It is a warning saying that the interface returned by OS for
> connecting to the destination is not in the listen list.
> for 3) yes it is expected behaviour, you just need to do record routing as
> usual, nothing special.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> On 2/13/12 11:43 AM, Mino Haluz wrote:
> Hi,
> our customers are using mostly UDP but some of them want to use TCP. The
> problem is, I get various TCP errors in kamailio log and I do not
> understand what they mean
> 1) ERROR: <core> [tcp_main.c:4130]: connect <customerIP:port> failed
> This means kamailio is trying to connect with TCP to the customer ??
> 2) WARNING: tcp_do_connect <customerIP:port> : could not find
> corresponding listening socket for IPaddress , using default... ( where
> IPaddress is kamailio physical IP address)
> Kamailio has one virtual IP address (heartbeat IP address) and one
> physical. It listens on the virtual IP address but I do not understand why
> it is trying to use the physical IP address ?
> I was investigating this thing because the BYE message is not being
> relayed if the TCP is used (everytime the 2. error message is printed), so
> that's why I have to understand what it really means...
> And the last question,
> 3) If kamailio is relaying the traffic to the PSTN gateway, and the
> customer is using TCP, kamailio uses TCP as well for connecting to the PSTN
> gw. Is this behaviour normal ? I would expect that
> customer -- TCP --> kamailio --- UDP --> GW,
> and not
> customer -- TCP --> kamailio --- TCP --> GW,
> Thanks,
> Mino
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