Hi All,

Currently we are running kamailio in a loadbalanced fashion whereby calls
come in via the loadbalancers and distribute calls accross 2 media servers.
We have come accross and issue whereby call transfers may be distributed
accross two media servers and when the REFER message comes along to
transfer the call, in some cases (if we're lucky) the message arrives at
the wrong media server (transaction leg doesnt exist).

Some googling later and it appears that dispatcher doesnt play nice when it
comes to this scenario. Some suggestions popped up in my previous searches
saying that a potential work around is to use the dialog module to check if
a call is eastablished and then to send all calls to the same media server
based on the dialog already being established.

I'd appreciate some input from the guru's out there that have come accross
this same issue and, if possible, some suggestions on how to work around
the problem, does the dispatcher module have a hashing algorithm that can
be suited for this particular scenario?

Thanks in advance for any tips or sugestions.
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