
We have 2 Kamailio 3.0.3 servers that has been running with
carrierroute for about 2 years without any problems. They have 128 MB
shared memory and

modparam("carrierroute", "config_source", "db")
modparam("carrierroute", "db_url", "<DBURL>")
modparam("carrierroute", "fetch_rows", 500)

The carrierroute table is about 91K lines and have been growing slowly.

Suddenly we get this ERROR: carrierroute [cr_data.c:585]: could not
allocate shared memory from available pool after a few "kamctl cr

I increased the shared memory to 256 MB but with the same result. I
have now increased it to 512 MB and it seems to work better now.

I have noticed this. After a restart the shmem counters is like this:

shmem:total_size = 536870912
shmem:used_size = 28486752
shmem:real_used_size = 40147128
shmem:max_used_size = 41135424
shmem:free_size = 496723784
shmem:fragments = 555

And after the first "kamctl cr reload" it is like this:

shmem:total_size = 536870912
shmem:used_size = 28619016
shmem:real_used_size = 51842768
shmem:max_used_size = 76993616
shmem:free_size = 485028144
shmem:fragments = 722063

Notice the increase in fragments. Sequentials "kamctl cr reload" does
not change the fragments allot.

Any ideas?

Morten Isaksen

SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

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