Dear Klaus
Thanks for response.

It really worked nicely.

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 8:37 PM, Klaus Darilion <
> wrote:

> For messages from the main proxy use the r' flag when activating rtpproxy:
> regards
> klaus
> On 09.10.2012 13:58, Kamal Palei wrote:
>>  Hi All
>> Facing a strange issue in Kamailio / RTP proxy setup.
>> Using
>> 1.  Kamailio - 3.1.5
>> 2.  RTP proxy 1.1
>> I have pne sip client, lets say it is 'A'.
>> 'A' sent INVITE to Kamailio proxy. Kamailio proxy modified the IP
>> address present in SDP to RTP proxy IP address, and sent to main proxy.
>> Main proxy did respond back with 200 OK to INVITE. In 200 OK SDP, Main
>> proxy put the IP address of Media server (media server ip address
>> is different than main proxy server ip address).
>> After the call establishment, it is expected that RTP proxy should send
>> media packets to media server, instead
>> it is sending to proxy server.
>> Pleae do let know, how to put a work around to avoid this problem.
>> Thanks
>> Kamal
>> NECS, Bangalore
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