If you want to receive any suggestions it would be better to show you config file with some comments. It will reduce a time to understand you configuration and will increase a chance to get any help here.

After further testing it was found that setting the alias like this somehow broke outgoing messages. I'm not certain exactly how Kamailio handles aliases, but it seems like it is not as simple as I expected. I am working on figuring out a new solution now if anyone has any thoughts.


On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 12:27 AM, Ed Brady <ebr...@talkforgood.com <mailto:ebr...@talkforgood.com>> wrote:

    I was able to resolve the issue by setting the return domain as a
    local domain alias. With the previous setting I had made to
    forward all non-local accounts to our gateway domain, this would
    allow the improper return domain to be seamlessly switched to the
    correct domain before being forwarded out of our server. Now users
    can have normal two way conversations despite a poor design by our

    Thanks for a giant push in the right direction!


    On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 4:02 PM, Ed Brady <ebr...@talkforgood.com
    <mailto:ebr...@talkforgood.com>> wrote:

        I have this all working now. I had previously configured this
        as a gateway and once issues were fixed on our vendor's end,
        it worked. Is there a disadvantage to using this method rather
        than the permissions module?

        On a related note (though maybe not related enough), when we
        get responses from their system it comes back with a different
        domain in the URI than what they require us to send to. When
        questioned about this they said we would need to handle it on
        our end. Is there a common method for checking the to URI for
        a particular string (in this case the domain), changing it,
        and then forwarding it?


        On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 7:23 PM, Vitaliy Aleksandrov
        <vitalik.v...@gmail.com <mailto:vitalik.v...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            "Permissions" module should help you. If allowed ip
            addresses are kept in a database you can reload them by MI
            command without kamailio restart.
            As I remember "permissions" module allows to create groups
            of ip addresses, so you can create such a group for hosts
            which you want to receive MESSAGE requests from.

            I tested this example and it worked for me. I was
            misunderstanding some of the values and thought they
            applied to users being registered or not.

            I am still uncertain what setting applies to allowing all
            traffic inbound from a particular address. Any tips on
            this would be appreciated.


            On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 1:41 PM, Ed Brady
            <ebr...@talkforgood.com <mailto:ebr...@talkforgood.com>>

                I was looking at this logic some more and wanted to
                clarify my configuration. I need to base the R-URI
                rewrite and MESSAGE forward based on whether the
                account exists as a local subscriber or not rather
                than whether the user is registered or not. This is
                connecting to an SMS provider using SIP.

                I excitedly looked into the SMS module but this
                appears to only be if you are dealing with a GSM
                modem and not sending/receiving SIP MESSAGEs with an
                SMS gateway.

                Any resources you can point me to would be extremely
                helpful, thanks!


                On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 10:42 AM, Ed Brady
                <mailto:ebr...@talkforgood.com>> wrote:

                    Will this also permit incoming messages from this
                    domain? Do I need to add the gateway in any other
                    settings besides the one you outlined?


                    On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 6:17 AM, Vitaliy
                    Aleksandrov <vitalik.v...@gmail.com
                    <mailto:vitalik.v...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                        If I understood you right you just need to
                        rewrite R-URI domain and forward MESSAGE if a
                        user in not registered.

                        if (!lookup("location")) {
                            switch($retcode) {
                                case -1:
                                    $rd = "gatewaydomain.com
                                    sl_send_reply("404", "Not Found");

                        I am trying to route SIP messages to a
                        gateway. I am using SIP MESSAGE over UDP as
                        well as the MSILO module for storing
                        messages for users that aren't currently
                        logged in. I have read through the Dynamic
                        Routing module info but am not able to
                        determine the best way to accomplish the
                        routing I require. Our scenario is outlined

                        User A sends a message addressed to
                        Kamailio at mydomain.com
                        <http://mydomain.com> checks if 12345678900
                        <tel:12345678900> is a registered user in
                        the system.
                        If not, the message header is translated to
                        and forwarded.
                        Incoming messages need to be accepted from
                        their IP as well.

                        It would also be useful if the address came
                        as "sip:2345678...@mydomain.com
                        could be translated to

                        Is there any built in functionality I can
                        configure for this, or will this need to be


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