Thank you very much for this.

One question regarding $sht. Does it need locking like $shv does?

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 8:35 AM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <
> wrote:

>  Hello,
> $shv(...) is referred as shared memory variable because it stores the
> value in shared memory. That means if you set $shv(x) in one process, you
> can read its value from another process. You have to be sure you don't have
> races in setting the variable, that could be achieved with locks from
> cfgutils.
> $var(...) is referred as private memory variable because it stores the
> value in private memory. That means its value is valid in the context of
> the same process (e.g., use it while processing the same sip message on a
> single routing block type, like running the main request route block, or
> reply route block, etc). It is not safe to use it for transactions, like
> setting it in request route block and reading it in failure route block
> (use avps for that case).
> $var(...) is faster to use and does not need locking at all. These are
> usually referred as script variable, but this term can be confused with all
> the config file variables.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> On 2/12/13 3:13 PM, Mino Haluz wrote:
> Hi,
>  what is the difference between shared and script variable ? Thanks
>  Mino
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> Kamailio World Conference, April 16-17, 2013, Berlin
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