
Check that you have "tcp_accept_no_cl=yes" in your configuration.

This is required for Kamailio to parse messages over TCP which do not have
"Content-Length:" headers (including HTTP requests).

If that doesn't work try running Kamailio with debug output at its highest
level (you'll need to output debug to stderr when doing this as syslog
won't capture it all) so that more detailed debug can be provided to track
this down.



> Hi,
> Wondering if anyone could please help me debug what is wrong with my
> kamailio.cfg for Websockets support.  I'm using JsSIP sample application,
> and I've compiled Kamailio 4.0 for WS support.  My config is borrowed from
> link this link [1].  Wondering if anyone can help me debug this.  Error is
> bad request, from syslog:
> Mar 26 19:26:42 ace /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[25774]: ERROR: <core>
> [tcp_read.c:1296]: ERROR: tcp_read_req: bad request, state=7, error=4
> buf:#012GET / HTTP/1.1#015#012Upgrade: websocket#015#012Connection:
> Upgrade#015#012Host: sip.XXX.net:8888#015#012Origin:
> http://sip.XXX.net#015#012Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: sip#015#012Pragma:
> no-cache#015#012Cache-Control: no-cache#015#012Sec-WebSocket-Key:
> p2cM0XbAejvloY1h+pACIw==#015#012Sec-WebSocket-Version:
> 13#015#012Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: x-webkit-deflate-frame#015#012Cookie:
> _pk_id.6.4c1d=3ee006d4f8af735c.1363914085.2.1364326003.1363915087.;
> _pk_ses.6.4c1d=*#015#012#015#012#012parsed:#012GET /
> HTTP/1.1#015#012Upgrade: websocket#015#012Connection: Upgrade#015#012Host:
> sip.XXX.net:8888#015#012Origin:
> http://sip.XXX.net#015#012Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: sip#015#012Pragma:
> no-cache#015#012Cache-Control: no-cache#015#012Sec-WebSocket-Key:
> p2cM0XbAejvloY1h+pACIw==#015#012Sec-WebSocket-Version:
> 13#015#012Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: x-webkit-deflate-frame#015#012Cookie:
> _pk_id.6.4c1d=3ee006d4f8af735c.1363914085.2.1364326003.1363915087.;
> _pk_ses.6.4c1d=*#015#012#015#012
> Any ideas?  Can send my kamailio.cfg if necessary.
> [1]  Kamailio sample config for WebSockets
> https://gist.github.com/jesusprubio/4066845
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Peter Dunkley
Technical Director
Crocodile RCS Ltd

SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

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