
On 04/10/2013 11:02 AM, Jon Bonilla (Manwe) wrote:
I think it is a bad idea to name the relay "mediaproxy-ng" and the
corresponding Kamailio module "rtpproxy-ng".


Well, the point is that it's "just" an enhancement of the rtpproxy module. In the past, the rtpproxy module was used to communicate with mediaproxy-ng (and can still be used that way), as mediaproxy-ng implements the rtpproxy protocol.

The idea behind rtpproxy-ng was to provide a reference implementation of an easily extensible control protocol (as we needed it for our ICE handling anyways), because there were some discussions and plans to rework rtpproxy towards such a kind of protocol as well (JSON was one of the formats, but we rather went with bencode as it's faster to parse and still somewhat human readable). Mind you we're still working on the protocol documentation.

Now the real question is whether it makes sense to extend rtpproxy to use this protocol as well, and in this case rtpproxy-ng as a module name makes perfect sense. It would probably be a good idea to merge it to rtpproxy module and just use that at some point (requiring to upgrade rtpproxy along with kamailio though, or control the protocol version via a module parameter).

If there are no intentions to develop rtpproxy further, it would make sense to name our module mediaproxy-ng instead of rtpproxy-ng. The module is still only in our repo and not pushed upstream exactly because of this kind of naming decision (besides the lack of documentation).


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