On 5/13/13 8:35 PM, Daniel Pocock wrote:

On 13/05/13 16:58, Jesús Pérez Rubio wrote:
Hi Daniel,

We have something like you're asking for in the Github repository. First
lines of this Quickstart guide show it (
Only two steps are needed:
- Clone the repo: *git clone https://github.com/Quobis/QoffeeSIP.git*
- Copy examples/webphone/dist/* content to your Apache server.

It's a simple webphone that we use to develop the stack. Another simplest
one is also included in examples folder to help web developers to include
it in their site.

Ok, so my blog went up earlier today, thanks for all the feedback, I've
linked to this thread too:


The main aim was to show the quickest way to get started - so I
introduce it with the repro packages but Kamailio is covered too.
An alternative for installing kamailio with tls is to use kamailio.org repositories for debian distros. Might be easier for many than recompiling.

Thanks for spreading the word around the world,

When repro graduates from experimental and Kamailio packages have a
streamlined TLS install, I'll do another blog to hopefully alert more
people to test it all.

Jesús, have you tested QoffeeSIP with repro yet?  Feel free to hassle us
on the repro or reSIProcate lists if it doesn't work.

Daniel-Constantin Mierla - http://www.asipto.com
http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
Kamailio Advanced Training, San Francisco, USA - June 24-27, 2013
  * http://asipto.com/u/katu *

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