
does it add two record route headers when calling to an UDP destination? IIRC, the condition for double route is that incoming socket is different than outgoing socket and I am not sure if Peter updated it to detect a different sub-protocol type (as ws/wss are on top of tcp/tls).


On 7/31/13 1:21 PM, Peter Dunkley wrote:
Have you tried the latest code on the 4.0 branch as I am sure there are fixes that have been made since the last release?

Also, if using WebSockets I do strongly recommend you try Git master if you have any problems. There may well be fixes there that haven't been back-ported to the 4.0 branch yet.



On 31 July 2013 11:56, Vitaliy Aleksandrov <vitalik.v...@gmail.com <mailto:vitalik.v...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Thanks for a quick reply.

    No, outbound module is not loaded. As I understood from RR docs
    double_rr won't work if outbound module is present.
    I've added mhomed=1 to my config, but record_route() still inserts
    only one rr with transport=ws.

    Are you using outbound?  If you are I suggest trying git master
    rather than the 4.0 branch.



    On 31 July 2013 10:53, Vitaliy Aleksandrov
    <vitalik.v...@gmail.com <mailto:vitalik.v...@gmail.com>> wrote:


        I'm trying to configure kamailio as a gateway between
        Websocket and TCP/TLS transports.

        When I call record_route() for an initial INVITE that comes
        via WS and will be forwarded via TCP to a registered UA
        kamailio inserts only a one record-route header with its IP
        and transport=ws instead of two record-route headers with
        both incoming/outgoing transports.

        This behaviour breaks in-dialog requests routing.

        rr module parameters are:
        modparam("rr", "enable_full_lr", 1)
        modparam("rr", "append_fromtag", 0)
        modparam("rr", "enable_double_rr", 1)

        I use:
        - kamailio-4.0.2
        - sipml5 as sip client

        Can anybody point me in the right direction to understand why
        it happens ?

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-- Peter Dunkley
    Technical Director
    Crocodile RCS Ltd

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Peter Dunkley
Technical Director
Crocodile RCS Ltd

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