
It'd be better if the "add_path()" function could be used here.  That way,
if using outbound (RFC5626), the flow-token (the userinfo part of the
Path-URI) would be present and there would be no need to add the
";received" parameter.

This would address the one issue remaining for SIP outbound on Kamailio,
which is its use without an edge proxy that is separate from the registrar.



On 16 September 2013 14:05, Charles Chance <charles.cha...@sipcentric.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> This sounds like a case for sharing same database, and adding Path before
> saving incoming register. That way, no need to replicate register message
> to other servers and all subscribers use the same domain.
> Add path something like this before calling save():
>                         append_hf("Path: <sip:$Ri:$Rp;
> received=sip:$si:$sp;lr>\r\n");
>                         msg_apply_changes();
> Whichever server receives the incoming invite, will perform lookup and
> automatically route to the server which received the register. On the
> proxying server set $du according to received param of route header, add
> record-route, and then t_relay(). As Daniel said, no need to
> re-authenticate or perform lookup again.
> Regards,
> Charles
> On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 7:34 AM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <
> mico...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> On 9/12/13 10:08 PM, Brian Wallen wrote:
>>> I currently have two independent kamailio servers. I'd like to set them
>>> up in a way that user1 on server1 can make a call to user2 on server2.
>>> After searching I've come up with two ways that this might be able to be
>>> done. Can someone please sanity check these or point me in the right
>>> direction?
>>> 1. Have one registrar server and convert the other server to a proxy
>>> 2. Keep them both as registrars and somehow make them each aware of the
>>> users on the other server
>>> I like 2 better because if one server went down users on the other
>>> server would still be up. The only thing is I don't know how to set the
>>> servers up to communicate with each other.
>> the nat can create problems when a server is down - if the nat is
>> symmetric, only the server that received the registrar can send back calls
>> to the phone.
>> Communication between users on two servers is as simple as using
>> t_relay_to("proto:serverip:**port") after you do lookup("location") and
>> no record is found.
> Suppose I have three or more kamailio servers. If a call comes in and
> lookup() returns that no record was found, how do I know which server to
> forward to? Is that a case in which I should replicate the database?
>> You have to add an extra check for the case the call was coming from the
>> other server, not to forward back to it in case of no found again.
> Thanks for the tip, I hadn't thought of that.
>> Also, you should skip user authentication for calls from the other server
>> (not do authenticate twice). Another aspect to take care is chaining
>> rtpproxy, you have to use the flat for trusting the other server (r, iirc).
>> You can also replicate the registration, but again, it can add troubles
>> to the nat. Look at t_replicate() (in tm module).
>> Cheers,
>> Daniel
>> --
>> Daniel-Constantin Mierla - http://www.asipto.com
>> http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - 
>> http://www.linkedin.com/in/**miconda<http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda>
>> Kamailio Advanced Trainings - Berlin, Oct 21-24; Miami, Nov 11-13, 2013
>>   - more details about Kamailio trainings at http://www.asipto.com -
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Peter Dunkley
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Crocodile RCS Ltd
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