I was using one of these functions on SDP with Git master around 3 or 4
months ago.

I can't remember exactly what I did as fixes to the equipment I was
connected to allowed me to take out the "hack", but it worked at that point.



On 17 October 2013 09:53, Juha Heinanen <j...@tutpro.com> wrote:

> Peter Dunkley writes:
> > I think I used replace_body_re() from textops.
> peter,
> replace_body_re() does not exist, but replace_body(re,txt) does.
> i made a test call:
> replace_body("c=IN IP4", "c=IN IP5");
> and result was that original c=IN IP4 ... line is still in outgoing
> request, but a new line
> c=IN IP5
> is added as the last line to the sdp.
> very weird.  perhaps a bug in the function?
> -- juha
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Peter Dunkley
Technical Director
Crocodile RCS Ltd
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