On Wednesday 12 February 2014 17:37:46 Helena Garcia-Nieto wrote:
> I tried modifying again the TO header with:
> subst_hf("To", "/(.*)@(.*)$/\1@$rd>/", "a")
> before the route(relay) on the failure routine, but it does not work
> properly, I am getting strange TO header like:
> To: <sip:0199XXXX@10.X.X.39> <sip:XXXXXX@10.X.X.38>
> It looks like it is not parsing the to header it has before but adding a
> parsed version of the original header at the end of the other one....
> I tried with subst as well but the result is more or less the same.
> Probably there is a better way to set the prefix and the correct IP on the
> to header... I'll appreciate any help with this issue.

How about just using uac_replace_to()?


4.4.  uac_replace_to(display,uri)

Replace in TO header the display name and the URI part.

display and URI parameters can include pseudo-variables.

This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE and from BRANCH_ROUTE. 


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