Hi Daniel,

Sorry to bug you just wondered if had a chance to consider the branching 
Main thing is does append_branch work on 4.0 ?
And also the best way to implement branch routes?

I am getting there!
I am not using a branch routing block at present, I am doing modifications 
using values I pull from the location table.
So my question may be slightly different but very much branch related.
So I have two contacts;

Then using reg_fetch_contacts I get for each registered contact;
 xlog("callee=>user_agent: $(ulc(callee=>user_agent)[$var(i)])\n");    
xlog("callee=>received: $(ulc(callee=>received)[$var(i)])\n");    
xlog("callee=>addr1:   $(ulc(callee=>addr)[$var(i)])\n");
And define some variables as a result for each contact;
    $var(ua1) =  $(ulc(callee=>user_agent)[$var(i)]);    $var(ua1add) = 
$(ulc(callee=>received)[$var(i)]);    $var(ua1aor) = 

I then use these  to set $du and $ru in the main routing, I do this for 
contact2 above, so I send to the recieved port (49827), identifying this by 
user agent type.
This works fine however branch[0] was sending an INVITE TO 
1009@, contact2 also, and not contact1 (port 15060), so I 
have added;
$(branch(dst_uri)[0]) = $var(ua1aor);
So I now get parallel forking as follows;
INVITE sip:1009-@    < This is what I want, for 
Contact2INVITE sip:1009-@    < Again routes to Contact1 
after modifiying the branch parameter.INVITE sip:1009-@     
< Still sends out original branch value.

And can see from debug, my branch [0] is modifed, but branch [1] is also 
new branch [0] to sip:1009@ branch [1] to 
So I now have 3 invites for 2 devices.
Whats the best approach to clean this up or implement in the first place, my 
main question is probably around branch modification/control.
Thanks, sorry for long question.

Date: Tue, 13 May 2014 16:04:21 +0200
From: mico...@gmail.com
To: sr-users@lists.sip-router.org
Subject: Re: [SR-Users] reg_fetch_contacts for multiple devices registered



    are you using a branch_route block?





    On 13/05/14 13:28, Jonathan Hunter



        Hi Guys,

        Following on from my initial query, I have indexing working
          for reg_fetch_contacts, however now I am 
        having issues with branching.

        First, is append_branches() still applicable to kamailio
           4.0.6 ? As when I use its not recognised.

        Also I have two contacts registered, contact 0 and contact

        Contact 0 was registered first, then contact 1.

        Now I perform manipulation on the main branch after
          identifying the user agent for contact 1, and the main
        branch request is sent out as I wish, this uses branch [0]
          when running debug to the $ru/$du I have modified.

        However with branch [1] this isnt modified which is fine,
          but uses the contact AOR from Contact 1 and not Contact 0.

        Is this normal behaviour and I just need to improve my

        Any advise on parallel branching where you extract certain
          credentials from location table, then as a result
        manipulate the $ru and $du as a result, but dont affect any
          other multiple registrations that would be great!

        Many thanks




              Hi Guys,

                I was wondering if anyone could help?

                I am currently using reg_fetch_contacts to
                  manipulate signaling based on the user agent device
                  being used, therefore I use the result of;

                  if(reg_fetch_contacts("location", "$ru",


                  I then use  
                      $ulc(callee=>user_agent) to make routing

                This seems to only
                    return the user-agent device being used for the
                    first registration at that AOR, as I have two
                    devices registered, a Cisco, and a jitsi client, and
                    it only returns the user_agent of the jitsi client I
                    registered first.

                Is it possible to
                    return the user agents of all the devices registered
                    against an AOR so I can manage decisions

                Many thanks





SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list


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