
indeed it is sad that IETF could come up with very complex presence specifications for sip. Given that, it will not be easy to explain here the full architecture of presence signaling and interaction with xcap server.

Maybe you can get more inspiration from two tutorials out there:

- http://kb.asipto.com/kamailio:presence:k31-made-simple
- http://kb.asipto.com/kamailio:skype-like-service-in-less-than-one-hour

For xcap, this email could be also relevant:

- http://lists.sip-router.org/pipermail/sr-users/2013-October/079988.html

They are a bit old, but still quite actual. If you get stuck somewhere, you can address here punctual questions and we will try to help to get through.


On 08/07/14 21:57, Radu Vatav wrote:

I'm just trying to use SIP as a replacement for Skype, nothing more than
that. All is working except of presence. Using Jitsi 2.4.4997 (Windows
x64) from home behind NAT and kamailio 4.1.4+wheezy on a rented server

My biggest problem is that I don't know exactly how it is supposed to
work. Ok, this is what I understood so far: the clients connect via SIP
to the server and can call each other, but for some reason the server
can't notify them via SIP of presence changes when they are behind NAT.
So the clients also connect to the built in xcap-server, register
themselves as presence "watchers" and the xcap-server notifies them via
udp/tcp of presence changes of the other users which are watched.

All is very nice but it's not working and I don't know where to look for
the problem. Which are exactly the steps in communication and what data
exactly is there sent which way (when working correctly, which it
doesn't) - no clue.

I somehow put the configuration together from the 2-3 examples I found
on the internet, I don't know if it is ok to attach something to this
email, so here it is:


Here is the network activity on the server:


So me ("radu") and "alice" are home behind the NAT, one is online and
wants to see how the other one goes online and offline. I don't know
what exactly to look for, but it doesn't look to me like there is
anything sent to one user when the other one goes on-/off-line (there is
a lot of "proxy authentication required" which drives me nuts, again I
don't know if this is correct or not; Jitsi seems to be connected to the
XCAP server, if I type in a wrong address for "XCAP server" Jitsi
complains it can't connect).

Some other things:

- "kamctl online" shows almost real-time who is logged-in, so this works
- siremis shows a bunch of users in "watchers list", but none in "active
watchers list" - actually when a user goes online it contains the
contacts of that user, but only briefly, when I refresh the view, the
list is empty again. I don't know if this is how it is supposed to work,
anyway, Jitsi doesn't show any change of the status of the user who
changed status at all.

Any help would be appreciated. It's sad something this simple as I need
(basic Skype replacement) is so difficult to get working. Maybe this is
why there is relatively low interest in SIP and everybody stays with
MS/Google/... because "there isn't something else".

Best regards,
Radu Vatav

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