Hello Daniel,
Thank you for your answer. I managed to fix 20 minutes ago but the issue (I
think) is in the RLS module. I had to add outbound_proxy and change the
server_address parameters for the RLS to the real domain that ponts to

Previous (when this was not working) I had
modparam("rls", "server_address", "sip:r...@domain.com")
The fix was:
modparam("rls", "server_address", "sip:r...@sip.domain.com")
modparam("rls", "outbound_proxy", "sip:sip.domain.com")

I'm like a beginner with this beautiful technology but I can't understand
why this is happening. The RLS module checks for A record instead of SRV
record in the DNS?

As I mentioned in my previous e-mail, my DNS configuration for domain.com
A records:
@  - > a web server ip
sip - > kamailio's ip
SRV records:
_sip._udp.domain.com -> sip.domain.com:5060

In my theory (what I understood) is that kamailio checks for the SRV
record. So, to identify the IP, will follow the steps:
1. check SRV record (_sip._proto.domain.com) for domain.com ......
2. check A record for sip.domain.com.......xx.xx.xx.xx
3. send to xx.xx.xx.xx:5060
In a multidomain scenario, all the domains should have the SRV record in
DNS pointing to sip.domain.com:5060.

I can't see how this RLS could work with a multi-domain scenario. Is it
correct? Do I misunderstand something in the theory?

I hope I don't tell stupid things here.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Mihai M

On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 10:38 AM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <
mico...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  Hello,
> if you want to handle the domain.com on the SIP server but the IP of that
> domain is pointing elsewhere, just add in kamailio.cfg:
> alias=domain.com
> An alternative is to use domain module (suitable when you have many
> domains and you want to store them in database).
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> On 21/08/14 19:06, Mihai Marin wrote:
> Hello Sirs,
> The RLS module is eating my life. I just managed to make it work 2 months
> ago and now is not working anymore after I tried to put the kamailio under
> domain (until now it was simple ip).
> I don't understand why is not working but I saw a big difference that I
> don't understand:
> My environment:
> - the domain "domain.com" is pointing to the web server
> - kamailio is hosted under sip.domain.com
> - DNS has domain.com A record for web server's ip, sip.domain.com A
> record for kamailio's ip and SRV record for _sip._tcp.domain.com poting
> to sip.domain.dom
> Problem:
> kamailio presence is not working anymore and I think, the error is:
> grep_sock_info - checking if host==us: 11==14 && [domain.com] ==
> [xx.xx.xx.xx witch is the sip.domain.com IP]
>  If, I change domain.com in DNS to point on the same ip as sip.domain.com
> RLS is working. This, I can't understand. Can anyone explain me why is not
> working using this configuration? Also, the RLS is working if i change my
> domain to be sip.domain.com (ex: sip:u...@sip.domain.com).
>  Thank you.
>  Best regards,
> Mihai M
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