
I was wondering if any one had any advice or examples for me of how to get
a call to be routed to a subscribed softphone.

We have 2 boxes in our testing deployment, a load balancer / sbc and a call
processing box.

Calls come in to the sbc, and then are passed to the call processing box.
The call is analyzed and the branch uri is rewritten to a destination
address when applicable for the call (this is how we handle routing of
calls to certain numbers -- we do this utilizing custom code and a custom

This works just fine when the destination sip uri is phone number (in which
case we do lcr) or if the destination goes to a remote address.

However when the destination is a subscriber:
sip:[subscriber_name]@[our_domain_name], the call is passed back to the
sbc, which passes it to the callprocessing box, back and forth until a too
many hops error occurs.

The subscriber I am trying to send the call too does show up under "kamctl
ul show".

I feel like there is something basic I must be missing here.

Does any one have any advice for me?

Thank you very much in advance.

All the best.

Will Ferrer
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

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