Thanks a lot Muhammad Shahzad.

I hope you want me to do

ln -s */usr/local/src/kamailio-4.2.0/examples/pcscf/pcscf.cfg kamailio.cfg*

My understanding is that kamailio.cfg will just be a file pointing to

So the configuration that Kamailio-PCSCF server will get is basically from

I checked pcscf.cfg file, and content is quite less (I have copy/pasted
here below).

There is no request/response routing logic etc in pcscf.cfg.

Is that fine or we are missing something.

Kindly clarify.

*pcscf.cfg content*

*# IP-Adress for incoming SIP-Traffic, in the following format:# SIP /
<># SIP / TCP
(Monitoring)listen=tcp: <># SIP /
TCP/TLS#listen=tls: <># SIP /
Websocket#listen=tcp: <># SIP /
<>":443# Port, where we listen to
Traffic#!define PORT 5060#!subst "/NETWORKNAME/
<>"#!subst "/HOSTNAME/
<>"#!define HOSTNAME_IP
<>#!define HOSTNAME_ESC "pcscf-1\.imscore\.org"#
SIP-Address of capturing node, if not set, capturing is disabled.#!define
CAPTURE_NODE "sip:"# Allowed IPs for XML-RPC-Queries#!define
""##!define XMLRPC_WHITELIST_3 ""# Databases:#!define
DB_URL "mysql://pcscf:heslo@
<http://pcscf:heslo@>"##!define DB_URL
<http://pcscf:heslo@>"##!define DB_URL2
<http://pcscf:heslo@>"#! Optional: Server-URL for
Websocket-Requests##!define WEBSOCKET_WEBSERVER "
<>"# IP-Adress(es) of the RTP-Proxy##!define
udp: <>"#!define RTPPROXY_ADDRESS
"udp: <>"## Several features can be
enabled using '#!define WITH_FEATURE' directives:## *** To run in debug
mode:#     - define WITH_DEBUG## *** To enable nat traversal execute:#
- define WITH_NAT#     - define the connection to the RTP-Proxy:
RTPPROXY_ADDRESS## *** To force alls calls through the RTP-Proxy#     -
this will automagically enable NAT-Traversal#     - define FORCE_RTPRELAY##
*** To enable IPv4/IPv6 Translation (RTPProxy)#     - this will
automagically enable NAT-Traversal#     - define WITH_RTPIPV4## *** To
enable TCP support execute:#     - define WITH_TCP## *** To enable TLS
support execute:#     - adjust CFGDIR/tls.cfg as needed#     - define
WITH_TLS#     - this will automagically enable TCP## *** To enable XMLRPC
support execute:#     - define WITH_XMLRPC#     - this will automagically
enable TCP## *** To enable anti-flood detection execute:#     - adjust pike
and htable=>ipban settings as needed (default is#       block if more than
16 requests in 2 seconds and ban for 300 seconds)#     - define
WITH_ANTIFLOOD## *** To enable the Rx-Interface:#     - Configure
Rx-Diameter-Interface in pcscf.xml#     - define WITH_RX## *** To enable a
Homer SIP-Capter-Node:#     - define CAPTURE_NODE with a proper address##
*** To enable support for the SEMS-SBC#     - define WITH_SBC#     -
configure dispatcher-list with a set of SBC's## *** To enable support for
Websocket#     - define WITH_WEBSOCKET#     - this will automagically
enable TCP## Enabled Features for this host:##!define WITH_DEBUG#!define
WITH_NAT#!define FORCE_RTPRELAY##!define WITH_TLS#!define
WITH_XMLRPC#!define WITH_ANTIFLOOD##!define WITH_RX##!define
WITH_TCP#!define WITH_SBC##!define WITH_WEBSOCKET#!define

On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 4:58 PM, Muhammad Shahzad <>

> Kamailio reads only kamailio.cfg or any file included in kamailio.cfg. So
> you can either copy or link it as kamailio.cfg.
> cd /etc/kamailio
> rm kamailio.cfg
> ln -s */usr/local/src/kamailio-4.2.0/examples/pcscf/ kamailio.cfg*
> Thank you.
> On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 12:21 PM, Kamal Palei <>
> wrote:
>> Thanks Muhammad Shahzad,
>> There is a step for P-CSCF install in above ng-voice site
>> cd /etc/kamailio
>> mv kamailio.cfg kamailio.cfg.dist
>> ln -s pcscf.cfg kamailio.cfg
>> First here, we are moving kamailio.cfg to kamailio.cfg.dist
>> Then we are executing
>> ln -s pcscf.cfg kamailio.cfg
>> Here I believe pcscf.cfg is not existing in current path, but we are
>> trying to link.
>> I am confused here.., kindly can you help me to understand.
>> I see one pcscf.cfg is there in path
>> */usr/local/src/kamailio-4.2.0/examples/pcscf/pcscf.cfg*
>> Shall I copy that file and keep in /etc/kamailio path.
>> And while executing PCSCF it needs both pcscf.cfg or kamailio.cfg,
>> something like kamailio.cfg includes pcscf.cfg.
>> Can somebody pls clarify
>> 1. Do I need only kamailio.cfg
>> 2. Or both kamailio.cfg and pcscf.cfg
>> 3. Shall I copy pcscf.cfg from path
>> */usr/local/src/kamailio-4.2.0/examples/pcscf/ to /etc/kamailio path ?*
>> Thanks
>> kamal
>> On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 4:18 PM, Muhammad Shahzad <>
>> wrote:
>>> This is bit old, but should still work,
>>> Thank you.
>>> On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 11:08 AM, Kamal Palei <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi All
>>>> Last few days we have tried to setup Kamailio for IMS server setup.
>>>> We have not been successful.
>>>> Now we are planning to use Kamailio 4.2.0 code base (Latest) to setup
>>>> Kamailio IMS setup.
>>>> I am looking for a link/document, that gives proper step by step
>>>> instructions how to setup Kamailio as IMS servers (P-CSCF, I-CSCF and
>>>> S-CSCF).
>>>> Can somebody kindly provide the official link or any other working
>>>> link, that I can follow to setup P-CSCF, I-CSCF ,S-CSCF and HSS.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> kamal
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