Thanks Paul.

I will enable dispatcher module. Probably this is a mandatory module.

I looked at dispatcher.list file.

The content is something like below.

*# proxies2 sip: <>2 sip:
<># gateways1 sip:
<>1 sip: <>1
sip: <>*

In my setup (its an experimental local setup), I do not have gateways . I
have P-CSCF, I-CSCF and S-CSCF *running in same machine (*same IP with
listen port)*.

So what entry I need to put in my dispatcher.list file.
Or can I have an empty dispatcher.list file.

Kindly clarify.


On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 11:29 PM, Paul Smith <>

> Hi Kamal
> dispatcher module needs to be loaded in order to call ds_is_from_list(),
> or ds_select_dst().
> It looks like you have added the line 'loadmodule “”’inside
> the conditional WITH_ANTIFLOOD block, so it never gets called after you
> have disabled that block.
> In short make sure that loadmodule and modparam lines for dispatcher
> module are called in your script and are not inside a ifdef block.
> On 27 Oct 2014, at 17:50, Kamal Palei <> wrote:
> Hi All
> I am in process of setting up of P-CSCF using Kamailio 4.2.0.
> I wanted to disable WITH_ANTIFLOOD (as I am not sure what shall be the
> content of dispatcher.list file for me, as it is juts a local setup).
> When I disable WITH_ANTIFLOOD, and try to execute I get below errors.
> Wherever *ds_is_from_list* is referred in Kamailio.cfg, I am getting
> error in those places.
> Can somebody pls suggest a work around when we disable macro
> *root@Kamal-E5430:/etc/kamailio/pcscf# kamailio -f kamailio.cfg -Eloading
> modules under config path: /usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/ 0(25255)
> ERROR: <core> [cfg.y:3299]: yyparse(): cfg. parser: failed to find command
> ds_is_from_list (params 0) 0(25255) : <core> [cfg.y:3439]: yyerror_at():
> parse error in config file /etc/kamailio/pcscf/kamailio.cfg, line 486,
> column 23: unknown command, missing loadmodule? 0(25255) ERROR: <core>
> [cfg.y:3299]: yyparse(): cfg. parser: failed to find command
> ds_is_from_list (params 0) 0(25255) : <core> [cfg.y:3439]: yyerror_at():
> parse error in config file /etc/kamailio/pcscf/kamailio.cfg, line 658,
> column 45: unknown command, missing loadmodule? 0(25255) ERROR: <core>
> [cfg.y:3299]: yyparse(): cfg. parser: failed to find command
> ds_is_from_list (params 0) 0(25255) : <core> [cfg.y:3439]: yyerror_at():
> parse error in config file /etc/kamailio/pcscf/kamailio.cfg, line 672,
> column 23: unknown command, missing loadmodule? 0(25255) ERROR: <core>
> [cfg.y:3299]: yyparse(): cfg. parser: failed to find command
> ds_is_from_list (params 0) 0(25255) : <core> [cfg.y:3439]: yyerror_at():
> parse error in config file /etc/kamailio/pcscf/kamailio.cfg, line 706,
> column 37: unknown command, missing loadmodule? 0(25255) ERROR: <core>
> [cfg.y:3299]: yyparse(): cfg. parser: failed to find command ds_select_dst
> (params 2) 0(25255) : <core> [cfg.y:3439]: yyerror_at(): parse error in
> config file /etc/kamailio/pcscf/kamailio.cfg, line 846, column 29: unknown
> command, missing loadmodule? 0(25255) ERROR: <core> [cfg.y:3299]:
> yyparse(): cfg. parser: failed to find command ds_select_dst (params
> 2) 0(25255) : <core> [cfg.y:3439]: yyerror_at(): parse error in config file
> /etc/kamailio/pcscf/kamailio.cfg, line 993, column 29: unknown command,
> missing loadmodule?ERROR: bad config file (6 errors)*
> Thanks
> Kamal
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