
content-length checking is done by sanity_check() function from sanity
module, used in route[REQINIT]. I do not recall any changes to this
function for 4.2. Anyhow, you can remove the check on content-length if
you want, see the readme of the sanity module to get the value of
appropriate flag that has to be removed from sanity_check() parameter.


On 27/10/14 03:41, andrew wrote:
> hi all,
> kamailio 4.2.x has been released, And I used two endpoint to test
> kamailio server. I install kamailio 4.2.x on centos 6.5 via 'yum'. 
> One endpoint failed to call another, I captured packets via wireshark,
> and found that invite method is recognized as error sip signal because
> of content-length' mismatch. 
> I examined the invite packets, and calculated content-length in invite
> signal. There is no mistake for the value of content-length. I guess
> it may be a bug in kamailio 4.2.x. But I don't know what causes
> kamailio to report the mismatch response. who can give me help?
> I have uploaded the captured packets as an attachment. Below are two
> snapshots from the captured packets.
> B.R.
> andrew
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