Hello Friends and Gurus:

I am struggling with routing and need a bit of clarification WRT following:

route {
 if ($fU=="601"&&is_method("INVITE"))
  rewritehost(""); //SS IP
route[1] {
        # send it out now; use stateful forwarding as it works reliably
        # even for UDP2TCP
        if (!t_relay()) {
* In the above stateful forwarding what is the rationale of calling route (1) 
within main route block? Could the t_relay statement afyer rewriting the host 
part of URI not have performed the stateful forwarding?

** In route[1] there is is only an expression abt logical not condition about 
t_relay()  (if methods in this function are not invoked??)
 I wonder where exactly is stateful forwarding taking place?

1- Is it the default action?
2- Or in function sl_reply_error()?

Thanks a lot in advance!



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