On 12/22/14 10:33, Marc Soda wrote:
> Does anyone know how a can get stats from rtpengine?  I see the $rtpstat
> pseudo variable in Kamailio, but from the documentation it looks like
> that will only give me stats on a particular call.  I'm looking for
> overall stats like concurrent calls, bandwidth, etc...

Several ways...

If you have the TCP listener enabled, you can issue the "status" command
to get an output similar to what rtpproxy produces, one line with number
of calls and packet counters, followed by a list of all calls. You can
use telnet or netcat to connect and issue that command.

If you have the NG listener enabled, you can issue the "list" command,
which produces an encoded/parseable list of calls, but only up to
certain limit (contributed code - meant for debugging). You can use the
provided script utils/ng-client to do that.

Then there's a number of recently contributed patches, not yet merged
into master but available in git branch rfuchs/1und1-patches, one of
which provides a CLI and includes several status commands available
through utils/rtpengine-ctl.

Alex mentioned /proc/mediaproxy (or /proc/rtpengine in git master now)
which also gives a lot of details, but only applies to packet forwarding
done by the kernel module and doesn't include streams handled by the
userspace daemon only.


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