Hello Folks:

Hope you can see this and share your ideas as to how to fix it?

Thanks and regards,


From: Zaka Ul Isam
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 12:20 PM
To: Carsten Bock
Cc: mico...@gmail.com
Subject: RE: KAMAILIO IMS Questions

hello All:

 First of all many thanks for your kind response. In fact my last few emails 
did not make it to the list (and nor bounced). It seems there is an error on 
the receiving mail server! However, I am regularly receiving list emails and 
can respond to threads but due to unknown reason, can not initiate a thread!

Yes, it is an install from stable version source. Inorder to bouble check, we 
even compiled this module from source and copied to the kamailio modules folder 
replacing the actual module,but without luck!

Please suggest the fix.

Thanks and regards,


From: Carsten Bock [cars...@ng-voice.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 11:56 AM
To: Zaka Ul Isam
Cc: mico...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: KAMAILIO IMS Questions

Hi Zaka,

please forward the request to the sr-users list, as neither me or
Daniel provide direct support.

How did you install Kamailio? Are you sure, that you have the
SIP-Trace in (/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/)?
>From your log, i can see, that you did not install it from the


2015-01-21 12:17 GMT+02:00 Zaka Ul Isam <zaka...@albtelecom.al>:
> Hi Gentlemen:
> Yet another stumbling block!
> Now it is not setting module parameters or finding module <SIPTRACE>
> The module is there, I have confirmed it. Below is the error log & relevant
> code snippet:
>                                         Error LOG
> kamailio -cf /usr/local/etc/kamailio/pcscf/kamailio.cfg
> loading modules under config path: /usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/
>  0(22035) ERROR: <core> [modparam.c:166]: set_mod_param_regex(): No module
> matching <siptrace> found
>  0(22035) : <core> [cfg.y:3439]: yyerror_at(): parse error in config file
> /usr/local/etc/kamailio/pcscf/kamailio.cfg, line 366, column 42: Can't set
> module parameter
>  0(22035) ERROR: <core> [modparam.c:166]: set_mod_param_regex(): No module
> matching <siptrace> found
>  0(22035) : <core> [cfg.y:3439]: yyerror_at(): parse error in config file
> /usr/local/etc/kamailio/pcscf/kamailio.cfg, line 368, column 35: Can't set
> module parameter
>  0(22035) ERROR: <core> [modparam.c:166]: set_mod_param_regex(): No module
> matching <siptrace> found
>  0(22035) : <core> [cfg.y:3439]: yyerror_at(): parse error in config file
> /usr/local/etc/kamailio/pcscf/kamailio.cfg, line 369, column 44: Can't set
> module parameter
>  0(22035) ERROR: <core> [modparam.c:166]: set_mod_param_regex(): No module
> matching <siptrace> found
>  0(22035) : <core> [cfg.y:3439]: yyerror_at(): parse error in config file
> /usr/local/etc/kamailio/pcscf/kamailio.cfg, line 370, column 37: Can't set
> module parameter
>  0(22035) ERROR: <core> [modparam.c:166]: set_mod_param_regex(): No module
> matching <siptrace> found
>  0(22035) : <core> [cfg.y:3439]: yyerror_at(): parse error in config file
> /usr/local/etc/kamailio/pcscf/kamailio.cfg, line 371, column 38: Can't set
> module parameter
>  0(22035) : <core> [cfg.y:3439]: yyerror_at(): parse error in config file
> /usr/local/etc/kamailio/pcscf/kamailio.cfg, line 372, column 1: syntax error
>  0(22035) : <core> [cfg.y:3439]: yyerror_at(): parse error in config file
> /usr/local/etc/kamailio/pcscf/kamailio.cfg, line 372, column 1:
> ERROR: bad config file (7 errors)
>  0(22035) WARNING: <core> [ppcfg.c:219]: pp_ifdef_level_check(): different
> number of preprocessor directives: N(#!IF[N]DEF) - N(#!ENDIF) = 1
> [root@IMS-dta1 pcscf]# locate modparam.c
> bash: locate: command not found
>                              Source File
>     }
>     regfree(&preg);
>     pkg_free(reg);
>     if (!mod_found) {
>         LM_ERR("No module matching <%s> found\n", regex);
>         return -4;
>     }
>     return 0;
> }
> Please advise!
> Kindest regards,
> Zaka
> ________________________________________
> From: Zaka Ul Isam
> Sent: Friday, January 09, 2015 4:07 PM
> To: Carsten Bock
> Subject: RE: KAMAILIO IMS Questions
> Hi Carsten:
> Thanks a lot for your quick response and elaboration.
> As regards HSS, for testbed, we plan to use FOKUS HSS, Hope it will serve
> the purpose. Please note that in addition to DIALOG_NG old DIALOG Module was
> also required!
> Thanks again & regards,
> Zaka
> ________________________________________
> From: Carsten Bock [cars...@ng-voice.com]
> Sent: Friday, January 09, 2015 3:05 PM
> To: Zaka Ul Isam
> Subject: Re: KAMAILIO IMS Questions
> Hi Zaka,
> Thanks :-)
> You questions:
> 1) you should be able to start the three components with "kamailio -f
> /path/to/kamailio.cfg".
> You may need to modify the following line:
> # ------------------ module loading ----------------------------------
> mpath="/usr/lib64/kamailio/modules_k/:/usr/lib64/kamailio/modules/:/usr/lib/kamailio/modules_k/:/usr/lib/kamailio/modules/"
> This defines, where Kamailio will find it's modules. After the
> source-code install, this is probably not correct :-)
> 2) The PCRF (and the pcscf.xml-Configuration) is optional (this
> functionality has to be enabled by enabling "WITH_RX" in the
> configuration, otherwise the pcscf.xml is ignored)
> 3) I assume, you also installed FHoSS from source instead from the
> Package? In any case, you need to edit the hibernate.properties (e.g.
> /opt/FHoSS/deploy/hibernate.properties).
> Regarding the errors of the Webinterface: It doesn't matter, if it's
> 32 or 64 bit. FHoSS and it's Webinterface are for showcase and
> scientific work only, so i assume, that's fine (as long as it works).
> In production environments, we use e.g. a Nokia Siemens HSS (if
> already present, e.g. for the LTE access) or our own drop in
> replacement (with a totally different interface).
> Kind regards,
> Carsten
> 2015-01-08 15:27 GMT+01:00 Zaka Ul Isam <zaka...@albtelecom.al>:
>> Hi, Carsten:
>> Thanks for the informative posts and responses on IMS related topics. I
>> was
>> trying to configure based on your last post at:
>> http://www.kamailio.org/wiki/tutorials/ims/installation-howto
>> With respect to above, I have few questions:
>> 1: If the Kamailio based IMS, compiled from source (not package manager
>> install) and all components in one machine. How do we start different
>> components?
>> kamailio -f /PATH/TO/RESPECTIVE COMPONENTS EXECUTABLE (kamailio.cfg with
>> an
>> include file P/I/S-CSCF.CFG)
>> 2: In case of P-CSCF there are three config files as well (.xml for
>> Diameter
>> interface). The latter has reference to PCRF PEER
>> Is it must? as there is no corresponding DNS entry in
>> Kamailio-IMS.DNSZONE file.
>> 3: As regards FOKUS HSS, in order to adapt the config to our scenario, do
>> we
>> also need to edit FHOSS/hibernate.properties file? Besides, we have errors
>> with HSS WEB interface on 64 bit machines. Is 32 bit architecture the
>> recommended one for HSS?
>> Thanking you in anticipation,
>> Zaka
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> --
> Carsten Bock
> CEO (Geschäftsführer)
> ng-voice GmbH
> Schomburgstr. 80
> D-22767 Hamburg / Germany
> http://www.ng-voice.com
> mailto:cars...@ng-voice.com
> Office +49 40 5247593-0
> Fax +49 40 5247593-99
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hamburg
> Registergericht: Amtsgericht Hamburg, HRB 120189
> Geschäftsführer: Carsten Bock
> Ust-ID: DE279344284
> Hier finden Sie unsere handelsrechtlichen Pflichtangaben:
> http://www.ng-voice.com/imprint/
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> Ky mesazh dhe çdo informacion i transmetuar në përmbajtje te këtij mesazhi
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> përgjegjësi për humbje ose dëme te shkaktuara nga programet apo viruset.

Carsten Bock
CEO (Geschäftsführer)

ng-voice GmbH
Schomburgstr. 80
D-22767 Hamburg / Germany


Office +49 40 5247593-0
Fax +49 40 5247593-99

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hamburg
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Hamburg, HRB 120189
Geschäftsführer: Carsten Bock
Ust-ID: DE279344284

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Ky mesazh dhe çdo informacion i transmetuar në përmbajtje te këtij mesazhi 
është konfidencial dhe është i destinuar vetëm për marrësin e destinuar. Nëse 
nuk jeni marrësi i destinuar, Ju bëjmë me dije se çdo përhapje, transmetim, 
kopjim apo përdorim i çdo informacioni është i ndaluar. Nëse e merrni këtë 
mesazh gabimisht, ju lutem kontaktoni urgjentisht nisësin e tij dhe fshijeni 
atë. Albtelecom nuk jep asnjë garanci për saktësinë apo plotësinë e 
informacionit në përmbajtje të këtij mesazhi dhe nuk mban asnjë përgjegjësi për 
informacionin e përmbajtur, transmetimin, marrjen, ruajtjen apo përdorimin e 
tij në çfarëdolloj mënyre. Mendimet e shprehura në këtë mesazh mund t'i 
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Albtelecom. Albtelecom nuk do të mbaje asnjë përgjegjësi për humbje ose dëme te 
shkaktuara nga programet apo viruset.

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