I think I found the root cause.

Siremis database has a table called "group". That is a reserved word in mysql that cannot be used as a table name.

Do the following to prove it.
> USE siremis;
> SELECT * FROM group;


> RENAME TABLE group TO group1;
> SELECT * FROM group1;

no error

On 3/21/2015 4:39 PM, canuck15 wrote:
When you add/update/view Administrator usernames

To reproduce
Administration > User Management >

Click on any existing username.  The browser goes blank.

Error in apache logs is:
PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function getQuoted() on a non-object in /var/www/html/openbiz/bin/data/BizDataSql.php on line 237
This is on the latest Siremis v4.2.0 downloaded today

I am using CentOS v6.6, php v5.3.3

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