
I'm not so familiar with RPM packaging. But as I understand, it depends of
content of RPM repository.
For Erlang module the erlang RPM covers all. But, some RPM sources for some
architectures have erlang-epmd as separate package.


In that case, for building Erlang module (src package) erlang RPM is
required, but for running (i.e. for binary package) erlang-epmd is enough.


On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 3:54 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <mico...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> in preparation for releasing v4.3.0 next week, I updated the specs for
> building RPMs from branch 4.3. However, I am not able to test the
> results, just made sure the build is ok.
> Packages are available at:
> -
> https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:kamailio:v4.3.x-rpms/kamailio43
> I hope people here using RPMs will do some tests and provide feedback,
> interested mainly in:
> - it installs ok
> - after install, it starts ok with default configuration file
> - fifo and unix sockets are created now in /var/run/kamailio, so it has
> to be checked they are there
> - kamctl works ok for commands: ps, uptime and 'mi version'
> Some modules are not packaged in various versions, as I could not spot
> what are the packages needed for building them and if they are available
> with different names. For example, apparently jansson lib is on redhat,
> but not on centos, libev doesn't seem to be there. Also, I haven't had
> time to look at packaging erlang module.
> Help with the above is appreciated as well as helping building RPMs
> genrally. Maybe the init.d script needs to be reviewed and updated as well.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> --
> Daniel-Constantin Mierla
> http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
> Book: SIP Routing With Kamailio - http://www.asipto.com
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MSC Seudin Kasumovic
Tuzla, Bosnia
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