Thanks Daniel.

I was looking into this option
your suggestion seems to be cleaner.


On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Daniel Tryba <> wrote:

> On Friday 26 June 2015 13:26:05 Peter Villeneuve wrote:
> > Is it possible for Kamailio to restrict certain users (like in a group)
> to
> > only receive calls but never dial out or send SIP Simple messages
> outbound,
> > while allowing all other "regular" users to make outgoing calls and text
> > messages as well as receive them?
> Yes (of course)
> > If so, which module do you guys recommend I look into?
> Put a flag in usr_preferences and check for it using avp_db_query (avpops)
> or
> sqlops. If flag exists after authenticating an invite:
> send_reply your favorite appropriate 4xx message.
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