Hello Community. 


We have openIMS nodes in our lab. We have Kamailio 4.0 based solution. 


I registered SIPDROID client (iptel) on Android and JITSI on WINDOWS. When I
call from SIPDROID to JITSI following happens: 


SIP DROID - iptel - client - registration ok, but INVITE attempt towards
JITSI (and other clients) does what's below: 


HSS (every 30 seconds): 


[root@hss1 kowalp00]# 2015-08-25 12:16:55,468 WARN
de.fhg.fokus.diameter.DiameterPeer.transport.Communicator - run Read 3021
before Exception.

2015-08-25 12:16:56,980 ERROR
de.fhg.fokus.diameter.DiameterPeer.peer.StateMachine - I_Snd_Conn_Req
StateMachine: Peer scscf1.hss.ims.test.pl:3868 not responding to connection

2015-08-25 12:17:26,985 ERROR
de.fhg.fokus.diameter.DiameterPeer.peer.StateMachine - I_Snd_Conn_Req
StateMachine: Peer scscf1.hss.ims.test.pl:3868 not responding to connection




Aug 25 12:24:18 scscf1 /usr/sbin/kamailio[8879]: INFO: <core> [main.c:854]:
INFO: signal 15 received

Aug 25 12:24:18 scscf1 /usr/sbin/kamailio[8865]: INFO: <core> [main.c:854]:
INFO: signal 15 received

Aug 25 12:24:18 scscf1 /usr/sbin/kamailio[8803]: INFO: snmpstats
[snmpstats.c:410]: The SNMPStats module got the kill signal

Aug 25 12:24:18 scscf1 /usr/sbin/kamailio[8803]: INFO: snmpstats
[snmpstats.c:414]: Shutting down the AgentX Sub-Agent!

Aug 25 12:24:18 scscf1 /usr/sbin/kamailio[8803]: ERROR: ctl [ctl.c:379]:
ERROR: ctl: could not delete unix socket /tmp/kamailio_ctl: Operation not
permitted (1)

Aug 25 12:25:18 scscf1 /usr/sbin/kamailio[8803]: : <core> [main.c:697]: BUG:
shutdown timeout triggered, dying... 


Kamailio becomes dead and needs restart. Clients become unregistered. 

A call from JITSI to SIPDROID it's fine. Any ideas? 



Piotr Kowalski

Starszy Architekt Techniczny

Tel. +48 22 699 50 93

Kom. +48 519 123 289



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