On 27/10/15 23:44, Bruno Salzano wrote:
> Hello Daniel,
> Il 27/10/15 11:41, Daniel Tryba ha scritto:
>> On Tuesday 27 October 2015 07:36:15 Bruno Salzano wrote:
>>> It seems that when i route the call outbound, i get a 407. So i
>>> would like
>>> to react to this using uac_auth() as described here:
>>> http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/4.3.x/modules/uac.html#uac.f.uac_auth()
>>> Is this the right way? Can someone help me, giving hints and some
>>> working
>>> example?
>> Based on the info you have given I'd say this is correct. The working
>> code is
>> in the URL you provide. Adding a specific failure route in the
>> when ds_is_from_list matches to the uac_auth() function is the way to
>> go.
> I got it working. It required me to enable the track_cseq_updates in
> dialog module and use uac_auth(). Actually my config is the following:
>     if (ds_is_from_list()) {
>         xlog("L_INFO","[$fU@$si:$sp]{$rm} {$ru} Call from Media-Server
> Cluster\n");
>         rtpengine_manage("direction=internal direction=external
> replace-origin replace-session-connection trust-address");
>         uac_replace_from("", "sip:NUMBER@HOST");
>         route(RELAY);
>         exit;
>     }
> }
> failure_route[TRUNKAUTH] {
>     if (t_is_canceled()) {
>         exit;
>     }
>     if(t_check_status("401|407")) {
>         xlog("L_INFO", "Got 401/407 sending uac_auth() and t_relay()");
>         $avp(auser) = "USERNAME";
>         $avp(apass) = "SECRET";
>         $avp(arealm) = "REALM";
>         uac_auth();
>         t_relay();
>         exit;
>     }
> }
> Now I've just last question on this topic: what's the best way to
> replace credentials (USERNAME, SECRET, REALM) from db?
> I've to manage also the uac_replace_from.
> What I want is to avoid to change the configuration everytime a new
> trunk is added.
You can use sqlops to load values from a database table. Or htable,
which has the benefit of storing it in memory at runtime, but you can
still issue reload commands when new values are set.


Daniel-Constantin Mierla
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