Thanks for the clarification!


From: sr-users [] On Behalf Of 
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
Sent: Tuesday, November 3, 2015 2:23 AM
To: Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: [SR-Users] Serial Forking and Lookup Function

On 03/11/15 05:31, Daniel W. Graham wrote:
Looking for some clarification / direction on setting up forking.

I have configured clients to use q-value and is stored in location table. I see 
several examples as described in TM module documentation but does not mention 
use of lookup() function.

Per registrar documentation-

The functions extracts username from Request-URI and tries to find all contacts 
for the username in usrloc. If there are no such contacts, -1 will be returned. 
If there are such contacts, Request-URI will be overwritten with the contact 
that has the highest q value and optionally the rest will be appended to the 
message (depending on append_branches parameter value).

Append_branch parameter
The parameter controls how lookup function processes multiple contacts. If 
there are multiple contacts for the given username in usrloc and this parameter 
is set to 1, Request-URI will be overwritten with the highest-q rated contact 
and the rest will be appended to sip_msg structure and can be later used by tm 
for forking.

Does lookup() build the destination set and then I can proceed by doing  
t_load_contacts(),  t_next_contacts() and setup failure route? Any direction is 
Yes, lookup location builds the destination set with all available contacts in 
location table. A t_relay() at that moment will do parallel forking, ingnoring 
the q values. To do serial forking, use t_load_contacts(),  t_next_contacts() 
and failure_route.



Daniel-Constantin Mierla!/miconda -

Book: SIP Routing With Kamailio -

Kamailio Advanced Training, Nov 30-Dec 2, Berlin -
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

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