
in a failure_route, exit stops the execution of the config file and then
kamailio will send the winning reply to the caller if there is no active
branch. If you did a t_relay() to a new destination in failure_route,
then that is an active branch, so no reply is sent to caller, kamailio
will wait for the active branch to get a reply or time out.


On 11/01/16 10:20, Grant Bagdasarian wrote:
> Hello,
> I have the following statements in my config script.
> When either of the IF statements is true, what does the exit function
> do? Will it still pass the message to the next hop or will it just
> abort and drop the sip message?
> failure_route[DISPATCH_FAILURE] {
>                 xlog("L_INFO", "[R-FAILURE-ROUTE-DISPATCH-FAILURE:$ci]
> !>"
> "Route:DISPATCH_FAILURE;UnixTime:$TV(un);RequestURI:$rU;RequestMethod:$rm;Status:$rs;FromTag:$ft;ToTag:$tt;CallID:$ci;From:$fU;To:$rU\r\n");
>                 t_on_branch("MSG_MOD");
>                 if(t_is_expired()) {
>                                xlog("L_INFO",
> "[R-FAILURE-ROUTE-DISPATCH-FAILURE:$ci] !>" "Transaction expired -
> aborting\r\n");
>                                exit;
>                 }
>                 if (t_is_canceled()) {
>                                xlog("L_INFO",
> "[R-FAILURE-ROUTE-DISPATCH-FAILURE:$ci] !>" "Transaction cancelled -
> aborting\r\n");
>                                exit;
>                 }
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> Grant
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