Hi, again

> Thanks a lot for your support.
> Yes, I am interested to capture traces using sip-scenario generator tool. Can
> you please provide that tool.

I have provided it at 
https://www.dropbox.com/s/nqay103s2rmnffq/sip_scenario.v1.2.7.zip?dl=0 .

> Somewhere I have read in Kamailio forum that, Call setup has successful
> happened using "Boghe IMS client" and " Mercuro-Silver".
> Currently We are trying to automate the basic call scenario using Boghe IMS
> client, It would be better if you can provide "Mercuro-Silver", So that call 
> can
> be established between two different IMS Client. Tried finding in google for
> "Mercuro-Silver" but couldn't get it.

Mercuro Silver was a commercial IMS client provided by a company "Inexbee" 
which unfortunately does not exist anymore.
The company offered 3 clients Mercure bronce, silver and gold. The Mercuro 
bronce was the free one. 
I have saved it here: 
and here is the data sheet: 
The chief development engineer at Inexbee meanwhile has founded 
https://www.doubango.org/ with the client you are already using. 

BR Franz

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