Alex Balashov writes:

> Yes, either by separating the PV elements, e.g.
> $var(x) = $fU + "abc";


I cannot do that, because the string that contains pvs is result of
a dp_translate call.

> ... or with the newer $_s() PV created for this purpose:
> $var(x) = $_s($fUabc);

No luck with that either.  This test

    $var(pv_string) = "foo$var(pv)bar";
    $var(pv) = "car";
    $var(res_string) = $_s($var(pv_string));
    xlog("L_INFO", "res_string is '$var(res_string)'\n");

produces to syslog:

Apr  2 11:07:26 lohi /usr/bin/sip-proxy[24536]: INFO: res_string is 

when I need to get 'foocarbar'.

-- Juha

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