On 03/05/16 09:01, Juha Heinanen wrote:
> Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:
>> These ones are no longer related to xmlrpc, but triggered by an sqlops
>> query - first bracktrace, the other two are during the signal
>> handling.
> OK, but there must be some kind of relation to xmlrpc, because I have
> had this same test system running without any problems for months and
> now suddenly I started to experience crashes, which happen always after
> xmlrpc queries.
>> The one for sqlops leads quite a bit inside the libmysqlclient, which
>> can happen because there is a buffer overflow in kamailio for the
>> operations in the system memory or an issue in the libmysqlclient.
>> Trying to investigate on the first option -- does it happen always after
>> an xmlrpc command? If yes, it is any kind of command or a specific
>> xmlrpc command (I see you used htable.reload)?
> Yes.  I made another test.  I sent three xmlrpc queries (htable.reload)
> and got crash after the third.  Why after third could be explained by
> this sql_query that gets executed once per minute:
> route [cleaner] {  # Clean old statistics from database
>     sql_query_async("sip_proxy_usage", "DELETE FROM statistics WHERE 
> (unix_timestamp() - time_stamp) > 86400");
> }
> So xmlrpc query or queries did something and that something triggered
> subsequent sql_query to crash.
Thinking more of it -- is the route[cleaner] executed with rtimer on a
dedicated timer process?

If yes, then the private memory operations should not conflict between
rtimer process and sip worker process (that handled xmlrpc)... Even
there would be a buffer overflow, only the same process is affected.


Daniel-Constantin Mierla
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