If it's just 2 servers, consider as Juha said, corosync/pacemaker with drbd. 

Fred Posner
direct: +1 (224) 334-FRED (3733)

> On Jun 5, 2016, at 5:26 PM, Moacir Ferreira <moacirferre...@hotmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry... I should have mentioned before. You guys are thinking on the 
> standard Internet SIP calls' behavior while I am trying to use Kamailio on a 
> large "industrial" project. This said:
> Assuming that the end-point is "smart", the DNS method is functional but it 
> would take quite a while before the UA (phone) recovers from the previous 
> name/IP binding it has in cache;
> SRV is good for a "smart" UA that, unfortunately, is not the case;
> Same for the phone units as they are industrial "Help Points" and so quite 
> "dummy".
> While I never tested it, I thought I could use two Kamailio servers with a 
> mysql cluster like mariadb-galera where, for Kamailio functions, one server 
> would be "active" and another "passive" server. Then use keepalived for 
> monitoring the "active" Kamailio and starting the "passive" server if the 
> active Kamailio fails. Without any testing, tests that I think I should have 
> done before putting questions in here, my questions are:
> Suppose that  I have two Kamailio servers, one "active" and another one 
> "passive" (not running) where the mysql databases are synchronized in between 
> two servers using MySQL Galera. Using keepalived I would monitor the active 
> Kamailio instance. Should it fails, start the "passive" Kamailio instance 
> using the same MySQL database that were supposed to be synchronized. Would 
> this new Kamailio instance be able to find a called number? Why this 
> question? As long as I understand, Kamailio will always challenge the UA for 
> authentication before making a call, so if this second server gets a call 
> request it would just challenge and authenticate the caller. The "key point" 
> would be having this new Kamailio instance aware about the called 
> destinations. So, delivering a MySQL database, with the latest data the 
> active Kamailio had, to this new Kamailio instance would be enough to allow 
> it find the called party?
> Anyway, can you guys comment on my "thoughts"? Is it possible? Am I missing 
> something? Would you suggest another approach for such scenario?
> Cheers!
> Moacir 
> Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2016 21:07:41 +0200
> From: chabert.loic...@gmail.com
> To: sr-users@lists.sip-router.org
> Subject: Re: [SR-Users] High availability
> Hello Bill,
> I have made kamailio ha using exabgp with loopbacks.
> Check https://github.com/Exa-Networks/exabgp
> With bgp, kamailio cluster can be splited on severals datacenters.
> Regards.
> Le 5 juin 2016 20:53, "Bill" <b...@novatrope.us> a écrit :
> Hi Moacir
> We have only found three ways to handle failover.
> 1. Change the DNS entry whenever a failure is detected.
> 2. Use SRV records to display an alternate route.
> 3. Use the failover mechanism in the phone itself
> 1. works, but it may take some time for your ua's to become aware of the 
> change
> 2. never have been able to get this to work as advertised.
> 3. Works pretty well depending on the phone. (We use mostly Yealink's and 
> they seem to handle the failover pretty well.)
> Hope this helps
> On 06/05/2016 07:41 AM, Moacir Ferreira wrote:
> Hi,
> I got two questions regarding high availability:
> 1 - Should my Kamailio server fail, I would like another Kamailio 
> "box/server" to take over with minimum services disruption. What is the 
> "community" advice for such environment?
> 2 - Should my main PSTN gateway fail, what would be the best mechanism to 
> redirect calls to a second PSTN gateway?
> Cheers!
> Moacir
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